Ezra Valentine



2 years, 3 months ago



Name Ezra Valentine
Called Ezra, Val
Age 22
Gender Transmasc (He/They)
Species Shifter
Height 5'5"
Alignment content

Ezra is a relatively laidback person. As a shifter, they have maded it their main goal to fit in with society as deemed fit. They are relatively good at this, and know how to act like a regular human. Still, they fight their shifter nature sometimes and wish they could just be truly normal. He loves to hang around with people, even if he doesn't exactly have very many friends at the moment. They have a pretty solid feel for who they are, and embraces himself as he is.


  • Visual art
  • Rock music
  • Grunge fashion
  • Coffee shops


  • Riding in cars
  • Sport hunting
  • Capitalism
  • Sudden loud noises



Ezra was born to a single mother, who was a shifter as he is. He lived with her in their small apartment on a more dangerous side of town. The two of them were alone and all they had were each other for a very long time, until Ezra was 12. That is when his mother met Carl Johnson, a human man who seemed to be very nice. He and their mother married a year after meeting and Carl became Ezra’s main male role model. This didn’t last for very long, however, as once Carl learned that Ezra’s mother was a shifter he killed her, having been an undercover monster hunter.

Teenage Years

A teenager at this point, Ezra was spared as he wasn’t home at the time, and when he arrived home Carl was nowhere to be seen, no belongings of him in the apartment at all. After the police arrived and he was taken to the station he began to figure out what happened, and gained a hatred toward monster hunters as his life went on and the tragedy of what happened to his mother weighed on him. They turned to more reckless behavior, staying out late at night and hanging out with people known to get in trouble. It was only when he was finally put in therapy did he begin to work on his problems and distanced himself from these people. Now in a foster family, he had a loving household and was eventually adopted by these people. While he nearly failed high school, he managed to graduate.

Current Day

Now as a young adult Ezra is in college finishing his degree in literature. He is not sure what he wants to do with his life, but figures he will find out when he’s ready to. While he is kind and social for the most part, he doesn’t have any close friends. Most friends of his are surface-level and not dedicated. This doesn’t bother them much at all and they enjoy their alone time. He does, however, wish he had someone he could be close to. Working as a barista at a coffee shop, he has a bit of an interest in his work and is relatively satisfied with it, despite working only a little bit more than minimum wage. He wishes for more to his life, though, and is trying to search for it. They just don’t know what “it” is, yet.



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Character [ relationship ]

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