💧🎸Matsuno Ryouta (💢💥“Akumatsu” Form)



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Ryouta has what Dekapan has dubbed the "Akumatsu Gene", even though it's not really a gene in the slightest. Instead its Akumatsu spliting himself like a cell and passing himself onto one of the Matsunos' offspring. Children born with this gene will experience lack of empathy, entitlement, and disgust at the happiness of others. Though unlike Akumatsu, the child doesn't need to be "good" necessarily to bring out this power. If anything it's the exact opposite. Inward bitter anger and acceptance of their genetic shittiness helps him manipulate their minds into doing heinous acts of violence. Whatever the child decides to do with this power is up to them. The demon is satisfied with whatever they choose. Ryouta was the first child to ever have this power come out fully and alerting everyone of it's existance.

When this power was realized, Ryouta went on a rampage. Using newfound strength to destroy anything and everything he could. Having built up so much pent up anger and hatred towards everyone in his life, anyone that tried to intervene got spat at with verbal poison. Anything anyone did to help only made things worse as his anger only grew. He saw them only caring about his emotions when it became a problem to them. The more this resentment grew, the more it helped bring out a second form. A form where the child turns fully into a shadow. In this stage, they are much stronger then before and do not speak coherent language. They become a full monster that may or may not ever be satisfied. It takes a lot to bring them out of this stage but, if you can it will become much easier to get them back to normal. If nothing you can do works, you'll have to wait for them to tire themselves out which may take a long time.


First Form (Half Human/Half Shadow): Still has a mostly normal physical appearence, red sclear and glowing yellow pupils, pointed ears, sharpened teeth, horns, purple gradient running up the arms, sharpened claw-like hands, shadow-like physics at the tips of the hair.

Second Form (Full Shadow): Has become a silhouette of their former self, completely covered by the shadow, enlarged hands and claws.


Super Strength: Those with the fully realized power of the Akumatsu Gene develop inhuman levels of strength. They can pull street signs out of the ground, pick up and throw entire cars, squash a human head like a grape in their hand. This strength only increases if swapped between forms.

Razor Sharp Claws: Claws on the hands can cut through just about anything. They can cut through buildings and thick metal if desired.

Gasious Like Form: In the first form only the arms have the ability to go through solid objects if the user wishes but, in the second form the entire body has this skill. They can pass through anything solid but, cannot possess anyone.

Ear Piercing Scream (Unique to Ryouta): From what testing from Dekapan has shown is that only Ryouta has a super sonic scream ability that fires similar to a laser beam from his mouth. It can push back objects up to 500 pounds and breaks any kind of glass in a 20 foot radius. Bulletproof glass also shatters if in a 5 foot radius.