💧🎸Matsuno Ryouta



2 years, 3 months ago



Name Matsuno Ryouta
Ethicity Japanese/Italian
Age 18
Voice Claim (Japanese) Nobunaga Shimazaki
Gender Male (He/Him)
Voice Claim (English) Zach Callison
Orientation Bicurious (Closeted)
Birthday February 22nd



  • Writing music
  • Playing in a band with his cousins
  • His family
  • 50s American aesthetic
  • Tonkotsu Ramen
  • Hawks


  • Confrontation
  • Constantly getting made fun of
  • Being open with himself
  • His own dramatic outbursts
  • Pears
  • His father



When Ryouta was a child he was very much the extroverted one between him and his twin sister. He loved talking to new people and learning about them. He always had the most fun in the company of someone, being by himself was too boring. Ryouta would often try to follow his dad to work or beg his mom to go with her to do simple errands just so he wouldn't be by himself if Kohana wanted to be alone. Basically he'd be in everyones' hair all of the time but, he always meant well and it's not like any of them minded too much. If it wasn't for his insistance on being everywhere, Ryouta may have never picked up an interest in music. It was only from stalking his dad during his alone times that he realized how much it fascinated him. Eventually on one of those days, Ryouta made himself known (scaring his dad nearly half to death in the process) and begged him to teach him how to play. This of course made Karamatsu ecstatic and more then happily agreed. A lot of the time they spent together was guitar lessons and getting him a vocal coach through their connections with Nyaa-chan. It became a huge part of Ryouta's life and the main reason he and his father got so close. It built up Ryouta's confidence to know he was so good at something for someone his age. He picked up his father's loud and proud tendencies from it. Sometimes his mother would make jokes about him being a tiny version of his father thinking it was the most adorable thing she's ever seen. Ryouta copied his dad like a book too so she wasn't at all wrong.

So as he grew older, those loud parts of his personality started getting him into some.. not so great situations. Kids would find him too weird and annoying and actively avoid them and he never knew why. He'd use being a protector for his twin sister as an excuse to take out his frustrations about it on someone else. Sometimes a group of kids would pretend to be his friend, invite him into their group for a month at most, and then pull some huge prank on him while pulling the rug out from under him saying they never liked him to begin with. It was something Ryouta for some reason could never see coming as it happened again and again.. and again.. and again. No matter how many times this would happen, Ryouta would be so desperate for a friend outside of his family that he'd let people do this to him over and over. It widdled away at his trust for other slowly but surely until it was finally nearly all gone after a really nasty prank that happened now in high school. Ever since then, he's tried to stiffle his extroverted and dramatic tendencies and beats himself up a little too hard when it slips out. Once a person who never wanted to be alone and wanted to see the world now, only wants to be cooped up in his room. The only times he'll come out is for the basic necessities and if his bandmate cousins want to hang out. Ryouta started feeling a resentment for his own father start to build up over the last few years due to all of this. Even though he knows its not Karamatsu's fault directly that this is happening, he can't help but blame him and his strange behaviors he can't unlearn for everything. If he could just be normal, maybe people would like him more. Ryouta's pretty good at hiding his emotions though so, no one's really caught on and hopefully they never will. Ryouta can just put on a fake smile and do something eccentric to appease whoever he needs to and just move about his day with no issues. He just hopes it's something that will pass or he'll just find the right group of people to bring him out of hiding.

As time goes on though, it's becoming harder and harder to hide his feelings. There's so much aggression and bitterness in his heart that Ryouta can't stop himself from lashing out at strangers or even people closer. Why can't he just be normal? Why can't he control his own emotions anymore? What the hell is wrong with him now?


Playing guitar: From a lot of help from his father as well as the school of YouTube, Ryouta has learned how to play the guitar pretty well. Way better then one would expect for his age.

Vocals: Since his mom has connections to Nyaa-chan and therefore the music industry, it was easy for them to find Ryouta a vocal coach at a discount to help him practice his singing. He doesn't need the teacher anymore and now has an insane range in pitch.

Pain Tolerance: Taking after both his mother and father, Ryouta has an insanely high tolerance to most pain. You could set him on fire and he'd barely flinch.



Matsuno Kohana [ twin sister/neesan ]

Ryouta and Kohana have been really close ever since they were born. They never really fought all that much and if they did they would make up pretty quickly after one of them starts crying. Being the more extroverted of the two, Ryouta would always try to help her navigate through social situations. Even if he didn't have their father telling him to watch over her, Ryouta still would have been protective of his sister. She would cry over someone stepping on a spider so, imagine what mean kids would do to her. Their father never said exactly how to protect his twin sister so, sometimes Ryouta would go a bit too far with.. violence .. even as a child but, to him it just showed what lengths he'd go to stand up for his sister. Kohana always apologizes to him for "having" to do that for her but, that never bothered him. The whole "eldest child expectations" thing was all just a big load of crap to him. She was only 10 minutes older then him, why the hell would things be any different for her? Though to try and respect her wishes, he'll threaten people who make fun of her when she's not looking.


Matsuno Hoshimi [ younger sister ]

In contrast to his relationship to Kohana, these two never got along. Ever. Not even when she was a baby. The only time they get along is when they're plotting to commit crimes or acts of violence agaisnt someone they both mutually hate. Other then that it doesn't take much for these two to start insulting each other back and forth which very quickly goes from playful to hurtful. Usually Ryouta's the one who gets harsher lectures just because, she's only 13 but maybe she shouldn't have started it and he wouldn't have called her adopted. Still he knows Hoshimi is all bark and no bite. There's a reason why she always involves him in her dirty work. He's the only one between them with enough guts to get his hands dirty in the first place. He knows she gets more scared then she acts like from the times she hides behind him in certain situations. Hoshimi says she's just using him as a human shield but, Ryouta sees through her shit. One day she'll admit she looks up to her niisan and that day he'll laugh, you'll see.


Matsuno Karamatsu [ father ]

Ryouta's feelings towards his dad is.. complicated now. When he was a kid, Karamatsu was basically his idol. Seeing him play guitar and sing and how much joy it gave him was the whole reason Ryouta wanted to learn music in the first place. His dad was the coolest guy to exist back then. Ryouta even picked up some of his habits and aesthetics that still stick with him now. And that's the part that makes him hate him. Okay.. hate is a strong word but, he doesn't know what else to call it. As Ryouta grew up, those things ended up being perfect weapons for people trying to shoot him down. Even members of his family do it. Ryouta's not stupid, he knows when some of the adults favor his sisters over him. He knows exactly why and he can't really blame them for it. All of this bullying has made Ryouta start to resent Karamatsu but, he knows his dad didn't really do anything wrong so he has to sit and stew over his own emotions. Ryouta wants to blame him for it but, he can't do that in good conscience. His dad has only ever wanted the best for him and gone through so many leaps and hurdles to help him learn how to play guitar and sing. Why can't he just be a complete piece of shit father so hating him could be easier?


Hanaori Sumi [ mother ]

While Ryouta did look up to his father a lot, he would spend a lot of his free time with his mother if he had a choice. When he was little, he'd always want to go with her on little errands. Even if they were boring, she somehow made it fun. They would go to little events around Toyko and when Kohana couldn't do mother/daughter things due to her anxiety, Ryouta didn't mind standing in for her. He didn't care about it being "girly", he just loved hanging out with his mom. Now he's not as open to those kinds of things for reasons he refuses to explain but, they're still pretty close. Ryouta feels like he can go to her for almost everything. Telling her things is less of a hassle then with his father too. Less dramatics and she takes ten minutes to say the same thing he does in an hour which is nice. Though he's been having a hard time working through his feelings so, their conversations have been happening less and less. Ryouta's just appreciative of her understanding and respecting his boundaries.


Deshimaru Haiji [ best friend/crush ]

Their mom's have been best friends for nearly decades so, it only makes sense that these two to also become best friends. Ryouta has known Haiji since he was born. Whenever their families would get together for whatever reason, these two practically stuck to each other like glue almost immediately. Though sometimes Haiji would go tell one of their parents that they were married but, at the time Ryouta thought it was just a pretend thing so never protested or cared. Hell, he even went along with it back then. Then when they got older and Haiji was honest with his feelings it became clear that it was never pretend. Ryouta has always been supportive of him especially when Haiji first transitioned and was getting a lot of flack for it from his old manager. It was unfair how he was being treated but, ... it's harder to accept his feelings now that Haiji is a boy. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, Ryouta's not homophobic or anything! He's just.. scared of being bullied even harder then he already is. It's selfish, he knows that. Yet the idea alone of dealing with more on his plate makes him feel like he's going insane. Ryouta's been trying to actively avoid the issue ever since and is doing a really bad job at it. Practically destroying their relationship at this point. He just needs more time but, his time's starting to run out.


Matsuno Taiyo [ cousin/close friend/bandmate ]

For reasons Ryouta doesn't even know, Taiyo was always really interested in him since he was born. The two grew up to be really close, almost like brothers since neither of them actually have any of their own. Ryouta does care about his sisters but, .. Kohana would cry if he tried to roughhouse with her like he does with Taiyo and Hoshimi would probably fake cry to get him in trouble. Taiyo always tried to get Ryouta into the same sports he was into even if he was terrible at them. The only reason he was on the team for so long was because, of Taiyo convincing his dad to let him stay. Then after Taiyo's accident, Ryouta offered the same hand but, in the form of music. The two of them have been writing and practicing together ever since. Ryouta was just happy he could give his cousin something that makes him happy after what happened.


Matsuno Akane [ cousin/close friend/bandmate ]

Since Akane is the eldest of all of her cousins, she feels the need to play neesan to them and Ryouta was not an exception to this. She's one of the only people who can poke fun of him and him not get upset over it since, he knows that's never serious. Usually. He could go without her treating him like a damn baby though. She's not that much older then him and it's not like she's actually smart or anything. They go back and forth with playful insults when she starts it but, sometimes she says something so.. stupid it makes him want to smack her upside the head. Ryouta loves her but, she's lucky sometimes he needs a drummer for their band cause not even his fathers' teachings of not hitting women wouldn't work on him after a while.


Matsuno Myou [ cousin/enemy ]

If you think Ryouta as an 18 year old is above beating up a 12 year old, you're dead wrong. Every time Myou says something smart or tries to inflict physical violence onto him, Ryouta will immediately give that same energy back and then some. He already has to deal with enough from people his age and older, he doesn't needs some shitty brat of a child doing that to him too. He already has Hoshimi for that. Yet whenever these two fight, it's always Ryouta getting in trouble for it even if he didn't start it. "You should know better." and "He's only 12." , are things he hears all the time but, how else is the cat turd gonna learn if someone doesn't teach him the hard way? It's safe to say these two will probably never get along and if they do it won't be until they're in their 30's.


Wasurena [ childhood friend/ex ]

Similar to Haiji, since both of their fathers' have been close for decades it only make sense for these two to know each other since they were little. If Taiyo wasn't around to play rough with Wasurena was the next best thing. She played like one of the boys and it was really fun if not a bit.. confusing. And that same confusion never left and only got worse as they aged. Anyone with eyes could see that Wasurena really.. cared about her body. Any time she'd try to mess around like they used to, he'd have to decline and make up some really stupid reason that wasn't for the fact of her being too hot for him to deal with. Wasurena isn't an idiot and could tell what he was doing and eventually asked him out outright. Unfortunately, their relationship didn't last too long. Only two months. And it wasn't his fault or anything! At least that's what she says but, being the guy to make a girl realize she's a lesbian is a little.. painful. Since neither of them dated anyone before, Ryouta decided to not take it to heart since she was probably just figuring herself out like he was. No big deal, right? It wasn't until Wasurena didn't wait more then a couple weeks before moving on to his twin sister. It's just made everything so.. awkward.


Matsuno Osomatsu [ uncle ]

Ryouta doesn't really understand the obvious bias Karamatsu and Hoshimi have towards Osomatsu. He's harmless. He just whines a lot and wants free food. So what? There's way worse things he could be doing. Osomatsu is the only one who's really picked up on Ryouta's bottled up bitter feelings besides Akane and Taiyo but, he never brings it up. He WOULD have brought it up to Karamatsu but, he has a feeling it wouldn't end very well and on the defensive side. Osomatsus' tried to help Ryouta loosen up a bit on his own but, it never really works mainly cause Ryoutas' not really comfortable breaking the drinking laws in Japan. Still out of all of his uncles, Osomatsus' one of the good ones in Ryoutas' eyes.


Matsuno Choromatsu [ uncle/band "manager" ]

These two never really particularly hung out all that often. Never had much of a reason to, to be honest. At least that's how things were before Ryouta's band got semi-serious and actually started trying to put themselves out there. Once word got around the family, Choromatsu was practically breaking their door down asking to be their manager. Ryouta agreed but, only because it would just let him live out his lost dreams. Ryouta nor his bandmates really thought they were going to be super serious and if they were, it wouldn't happen any time soon. Even if Choromatsu can micromanage a lot of things and annoy the shit out of him sometimes, it is nice to have someone who keeps their stuff organized.


Matsuno Ichimatsu [ uncle ]

Even though his father has mellowed out a little bit over the years (or so Ryouta's been told), Ichimatsu still isn't very close to Karamatsu and will still inflict physical and mental damage on him albiet not nearly as much as before. That being said, Ryouta knows he has his father's old habits that he can't get rid of while he would like to think Ichimatsu wouldn't hurt him since he's his nephew, he's not quiet so sure. He's seen the looks his uncle gives him sometimes and it makes him skeptical. Ichimatsu doesn't have any sort of contempt for Ryouta like he does Karamatsu but, he'd be lying if he said the kid wasn't annoying. At the very least Ryouta knows how to shut his mouth. These two just tend to avoid each other as much as possible.


Matsuno Jyushimatsu [ uncle ]

Ryouta doesn't really know for sure how Jyushimatsu thinks of him. He's been told no one really knows how he feels but, that doesn't make Ryouta any less nervous. The amount of times he's met Jyushimatsus' angry, borderline psychotic eyes and occassional tosses into the sun because, of his terrible baseball skills costing them the game has left a permanent impact in Ryoutas' psyche. Once he quit the team from just not having any fun in the first place, all of that stopped and Jyushimatsu went back to just being normal Jyushimatsu. Ryoutas' gotten over their past.. mostly. It's hard not to flinch when his uncle suddenly and firmly puts a hand on his arm now. Especially from behind.


Matsuno Todomatsu [ uncle ]

Todomatsu is probably his favorite uncle if Ryouta was going to pick. He doesn't scare him or breathe down his shoulder or ask for his money which is something Ryouta can't say for the rest of them. They don't have that many matching interests so, they don't talk too much. One thing they do have in common though is resentment for his uncles. Ryouta will make a half joking comment about hating the family and Todomatsu will agree and things just go from there. Todomatsu finds it a bit suspicious that Ryouta never says anything about Karamatsu considering that's the one he'd expect the most from but, feels like it would be rude to try and pry it out of him.. any more then he already has.


Deshimaru Bunmi [ godmother ]

Bunmi is another person Ryouta can't tell how she really feels about him. His mom has told him she can be antagonistic for the sake of chaos but, she's supposed to be his godmother, right? Why would she purposefully try and piss off her godchild? Hell, his mom is her best friend shouldn't that also help her not do that? He's not even technically an adult yet. Are her comments just because, she had a deep hatred of his father in the past? Is it projection from that? Ryouta wouldn't blame her too much if that was the case but, it still sucks to have to deal with. Ryouta can't just threaten her or beat her up like he could with anyone else. She's too strong. Nothing phases this woman and anything he could throw at her, she could throw back with the force of a semi truck. It's an unwinnable fight and Ryouta isn't that stupid. He at least understands the reason why his mom wanted her as their godmother now.

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