ME (Courage)



2 years, 2 months ago


old art, but it's a chibi of... me lol

In my favorite outfit! and the headphones i wear all the time lol

so basically a sona :)

Name: Sofia, but goes by Courage

current age: 17 :D

cis female and omniromantic / asexual (questioning spectrum)

Has adhd, general anxiety disorder, and is pending diagnosis for autism; has traits of chronic fatigue disorder but because of the bias against the condition has found it incredibly difficult to get a diagnosis T__T

allergic 2 strawberries T__T

loves: Dr.Pepper, video games, puzzles, playing the recorder/ocarina, anime, bright blue, dogs, salty foods, worldbuilding! animating, drawing

dislikes: Super hot things or super hot days, lettuce, gas masks (forever traumatized by doctor who HELP) , pepperoni on pizza, many people talking at once

Favorite monsters from monster hunter (random facts): Mizutsune, Kulu-Ya-Ku (IT'S CUTE OKAY), Nargacuga, Lagiacrus (LAGIACRUS LOOKS COOL AND CUTE....)

Monster hunter main weapons : sword shield; dual blades

Smash main: cloud and learning pyra/mythra

Likes strategy games and coding and basically just puzzle stuff :D