


6 years, 7 months ago



5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.png" It's a pity you didn't know when you started your game of murder... that I was playing, too. "5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.png




5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngFull Name || Loren
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngNom de Plume || 000 (Double O'Nil)
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngGender || Male
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngOccupation || Gentleman
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngBreed || Ghostly Oriental Jader
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngBreeding Status || On cooldown until March 12
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngRoleplay || Open
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngDesigner || Benathorn
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngAcquired || Mystery Bean Growth
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngTheme || "SONG"
5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.pngLayout || lowkeywicked

【 Title 】 Zero 【 Breed 】 Ghostly
【 Ears】 Wisp Ears (Seasonal) 【 Coat Type 】 Imperial
【 Tail】 Wisp Tail (Seasonal) 【 Eyes 】 Silver Glow (Very Rare)
【 Generation 】 1 【 Imperial Blood 】 Silver (Very Rare)

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Temper 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】



Loren is a very down-to-earth Jader. He doesn't believe in ghosts and neither should you. He's rather aloof, and very much a loner, preferring to keep to himself and his thoughts. He likes rainy days because they mean he can stay close to home. The sun tends to hurt his delicate silver eyes so he does his utmost to avoid it when he can. He's a gentle, patient soul at heart, and there's nothing he values so much as good old-fashioned hospitality. You'll never meet a more elegant and courteous host as he. Loren's ghostly coat tends to creep people out, but he's quick to point out that ghosts do not exist, and that you are very foolish for thinking so. He finds people's belief's in such things highly amusing. He wears his chains for two reasons - the first is so he can rattle them when moving about the house, and so not startle his guests. He's a very quiet jader by nature, and rarely ever can you hear his pawsteps approach. The second reason is a more symbolic gesture - a physical tie to the duty he holds to his ancient lineage and the house they belong to. He is a very proud creature, and though this duty often feels like a heavy chain keeping him from ever leaving the grounds, it is one he bears proudly, though not willingly. The chains are magicked, but he always polity turns the conversation aside when this fact comes up.

He spends most of his time roaming the grounds of his home, sleeping during the day, and conversing with crows in the twilight. He seems quite taken with them, and has even been seen giving them odd bits and bobs. Overall he's a quiet, charming jader, content to spend the rest of his days overseeing his home.

5989529_HQ0AWYIMTuynzPb.pngPhysical Description...


Small, quiet - always sneaking up on people unintentionally - soft, sleepy - likes his naps.

= breeding partner   ||    = friends   ||    = rivals



[ lover ] Noel brings a light to Loren's life that he never realzied he was missing. She is the hope to his fear - the freedom to his chains - the wonder to his disgust - the light to his dark.



[ lover ] Slytherin blood babies



[ relationship ] description


Is a bonafide skeptic. He finds people mistaking him for a ghost as really annoying, and goes out of his way to prove that ghosts aren't real. Even though we all know ghosts don't exist, these attempts always seem to backfire. If other jaders aren't insisting he's a ghost, they're arguing with him about ghosts. It all becomes very tiresome, and he doesn't like socializing much as a result. He longs for any sort of un-ghostly discussion. He'll even settle for bigfoot debates at this point.

A collector and connoisseur of the arts, Loren loves art, and had a very specific set of tastes

Because his blood is silver, when he blushes no one can tell. It is his greatest power (he is a very blushy boy).

Trivia Here

Trivia Here

Trivia Here


5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.png" QUOTE HERE "5989726_ZS2jA321O3zHMnH.png

Loren is the distinguished and slightly eccentric former resident of Castle Manor (not to be confused for an actual castle). The owner of said residence was the rather odd Lady Castle, a half mad old hermit, who scourged her creaking old house for ghosts for many years. She never found any real ghosts, and most of her sightings came from catching sight of Loren's tail. Loren for his part learned that ghosts don't exist, and that sad, lonely old women have incredible imaginations. Loren felt something of a duty in caring for the old bat, who's family and his own went back several generations. The two of them were never super close, each pursuing their separate interests in that drafty old house, but there was a mutual companionship. They were each the last of their family line.

Maybe that was why the old lady left her entire fortune to him when she died.

However, leaving your entire fortune to a jader is a practice that is generally frowned upon by one's distant relatives...

Into Loren's house strode five strangers to him, and Loren listened at the top of the stair while they made plans to kill him and so take the fortune for themselves. But Loren had other plans.

So it was, that the five people set out into the house to destroy the ghost jader, and never returned. One was found hanged, seemingly by his own hand; another was stabbed to death; a third had seemingly fallen from the staircase and broken her neck; the fourth was poisoned; and the last, simply disappeared. And where was Loren when they found him? Why he was chained up in the basement of course, as innocent as a little lamb.

Quotes:    "House on a Haunted Hill" (1959)                               Quote credit 2                                                             Patterns:    jojo-ojoj.deviantart