Charlotte Buttermon



2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Charlotte Buttermon




Mixed Mexican and White




Werewolf (Turned)


November 20th (Scorpio)


Charlotte Buttermon is a spiky-haired blond werewolf with brown eyes and freckles dotted across her nose, shoulders, chest and legs. She was in public school with her little brother Chop Hopper (then-named Charlie) until she was about 9 and he was 5, then taken out of the school system to be home-schooled by their mother leading up to the werewolf attack. Unfortunately for both of them, their mother wasn't very prepared to provide adequate teaching, so Charlotte struggled to keep up with age-appropriate materials. To make up for this self-proclaimed weakness, she often comes across as hostile and defensive, relying on her physical strength to protect herself from those she deems threats. However, education and literacy were not a priority in the pack, so she was able to somewhat relax her aggression as time went on and takes on a tender big-sisterly role to most packmates even if they're older than her.

Charlotte was quite eager to give up her humanity and embrace the monster curse she was afflicted with. Her relationship with her parents had deteriorated significantly with the birth of her younger brother as she was simultaneously ignored and also forced to play Parent #3 when her dad was avoiding the family and her mom was too unstable to function. So, when the natural grief and trauma of losing her childhood home and parents took its toll on her psyche, she saw the pack as a chance at a new life where she could be noticed, appreciated and freed from the burden of being spoiled little Chop Hopper's play-mother. This "rebirth" is why she grew distant with him after the initial unfamiliarity with the pack began to subside and why she was so willing to take drastic action against Chop Hopper when he threatened the pack's security.

Fun fax:
-Charlotte is incredibly carnivorous, even without the influence of her werewolf.  However, she had a rough transition into raw wild game when she began hunting with the pack.
-She doesn't consider herself very masculine or feminine, but very wholly identifies as a woman. She isn't much more aware of her brother's demiboy identity than he is.
-Her love for Tammie appeared early on in their friendship and only grew the more time they spent together, which surprised her as she hadn't realized she was a lesbian quite yet.
-Charlotte doesn't like Toxic when she initially meets him, thinking his relationship with Chop Hopper was morally dubious because of her brother's history with Jericho. If she could learn his real name, she wouldn't call him Toxic at all.
-I cannot decide if Charlotte is also schizophrenic, but she is certainly mentally ill on account of the incredible stress and trauma of her childhood's abrupt end and Stone's expectations for her.

Relation to cast:
Tammie- Girlfriend
Chop Hopper Buttermon-Older sister
Jericho- Friend
Toxic Johnson-Enemy
Xander Johnson-Buttermon- Aunt(?)
Miyanda Johnsone-Nabele- Aunt(?)

?=Undecided on canon or AU