


2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Jericho [Nabele]




Native American




Werewolf (Natal)


January 2nd (Capricorn)


Jericho is a navy blue-haired werewolf with green eyes and a notoriously kind smile. He's always been even-tempered and extremely approachable, even at an early age when compared to the violent and hotheaded boys he was raised with, thus the pack's adults assigned him responsibilities and trusted him with leadership all the way up to his adulthood.  As a result of this treatment, Jericho finds himself always needing to be in charge of something and performing leadership tasks in his pack to make sure that everyone can count on him to make things run smoothly. He worries often about his responsibilities and how to make sure he's never falling behind on anything or letting anyone down. Fortunately, because his demeanor is genuine and kind, his overwhelming bossiness is often treated as a personality quirk as opposed to a genuine annoyance.

The exception to this bossiness is Charlie. From an early age, Jericho subconsciously saw him as a hurt, unfairly abandoned project of sorts, something that needed proper care and attention to be repaired and running smoothly again. After Charlie's confession of the reason for his true feelings to the pack (Charlie's meltdown in "Jericho" - Brother), Jericho's analytical approach goes out the window and he falls hard and fast for him, obsessing over his happiness and comfort to a degree that his packmates found very sudden and odd. This happens because he's made to feel special and important in a way that differs from his high status in the pack; Jericho feels as though he has access to a hidden persona in Charlie and doesn't want to lose sight of it by being an obstacle in Charlie's cannibalistic tendencies. He excuses and enables everything Charlie does because he's so utterly in love with him that in his mind, Charlie can do no wrong.

"Required" Reading

Fun fax:
-When Charlie changes his name to Chop Hopper, Jericho briefly considers taking on a new name of his own.
-Jericho has a terrible time standing up to authority, be it people who are older than him or his pack leader. He is considerably passive.
-Jericho's wolf form is navy blue as well, though his hair color takes on a grayer tone as fur.
-Jericho was actually designed in Stardew Valley. Initially he was nothing but a name and an outfit, then became a prominent person in Chop Hopper's past.
-Jericho had never been inside of a human house in his entire childhood.

Relation to cast:
Tammie- Friend
Chop Hopper Buttermon- Boyfriend -> ex-boyfriend -> partner
Charlotte Buttermon- Friend -> hostile -> friend
Toxic Johnson- Acquaintance -> partner
Xander Johnson-Buttermon- Father
Miyanda Johnson-Nabele- Father
Noah Larabee - Complicated