


6 years, 5 months ago


Pictures of this lad's cat are in here, he is not the grey cat, that's Kitty.  His cat form is under the tab Vincent(Rogue)

Name: Vincent Jason Oswell

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Birthdate: December 25th, 1989

Species: Human/alien

Origin: Alanza

Height: 6' 4"

Build: Lanky/chubby(or skinny, depending on the time frame)

Occupation: None

Family: Anne and George (parents), Jonathan, Chica, Ethan, Victoria, Valentine, Victor, David (siblings), Kei(wife), Fox, Violet, Davi, Gary, Vince, Alice, Clark(kids)

Perso: A rather shy guy, however he doesn’t mind meeting people much. He can be very awkward around strangers. He's tired a lot, and is a bit slow to notice things because of that. He can be quite silly with his family, especially his brother Victor. So many shenanigans occur when they’re together.

Backstory: He had a relatively normal childhood.  His family was quite odd, but he didn’t care.  He loved them.  One day, when the quadruplets were about ten, their parents disappeared.  Just vanished.  As of yet, no one has found out what happened.  Most of the younger kids wound up being raised by the older ones due to that, so he was raised by Jonathan, Chica, and Ethan.  When he was in his late teens, he moved away for a while but wound up owning his own house in Alanza.  He met his best friend while working at Ginger's Fun and Food.  Once, during the Super Bowl of 2018, he was out buying Oreos, and met a lady named Kei.  After a while, the two wound up dating.  He lives with his wife, adopted kids and his brother.