


2 years, 4 months ago


"Yeah I am the baby of the family."

 Name  Ito Kiko
 Race  Siren
 Age  20
 Gender  Female
 Height  5'3 | 163 cm
 Occupation  Unemployed


Kiko is a strong-willed but inflexible individual who in her opinion has had to fight for everything she's ever gotten in her life. It has made her appreciate the smaller things and gestures she comes across in life now, but has also jaded her to life's silly little joys. Her inflexible nature can make her come across as defensive making it hard for her to get along swimmingly with new people. Kiko's impulsive in her decisions, and brash in problem solving being very 'no-think-punch-first'. She is a confident individual though and as annoying as her defensive falls into fights can be to an outsider's perspective, Kiko's pretty confident that whatever she is saying is right. Unmovable object is the motto. Despite the negatives of her personality and just how wild she can be, she's a very strong-willed individual and doesn't get down on herself much. She'll do anything in her power to help those who she considers friends always read to go down swinging for them.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree to follow the charter of walpurgis and all rules therein:




Area of Expertise


Kiko manipulates water as a basic elemental skill. She can pull moisture out of objects (plants for example) to use it and  typically make sure she either has water on her, or is just around a body of water that she can use as ammo for her magic.


Kiko has grown proficient through practice in controlling the temperature of water she manipulates. Even though she can't completely freeze it yet, she can make it PRETTY damn cold and she has acquired the ability to create boiling water. She paid close attention to her mother's healing magic as a child but Kiko has no healing abilities of her own and takes a much more offensive stance with her magic. 

As she can manipulate the water's temperature, burns via boiling temps can also be applied but not as frequently: it takes more stamina and the higher temps evaporate her 'ammo' so she doesn't apply this skill unless needed.

In general, she can manipulate water to bend to her will with her magic.  It is based on her voice however, similar to her mother's and it's important she charms the water to listen to her will with her voice. Specific movements paired with certain sounds make it possible to use her elemental ability. 

Typically Kiko will manipulate the water to form snake like shapes in which she will then go on the offensive in slashing or whipping type attacks. The water's force can be combined into one larger 'snake' to push over opponents as well.


Typically she will hum or whistle while she snaps water up to her own command, alluding to the fact that as a siren, her voice is the key to her magic.  This means that when she is unable to make a sound, she cannot use her skill. 

Other limitations include a lack of water (or too much) around her equals no cool spicy water tricks since there is nothing to manipulate. She caps at five gallons right now with her elemental skill.  Kiko's ability to manipulate the water also relies on her own stamina.  If she is too tired, or if it saps energy away from her too quickly her singing will have no effect.  She is also highly susceptible to lightning and electricity attacks and nearly useless in terms of magic against those who wield it.




Personal Lore



Being the only one of her siblings to inherit her mom's fish legs, Kiko's always felt like she was made to be in the spotlight of things.  After a rough start, and some familial trouble she moved to Walpurgis with her sisters. Kiko has been trying to ignite her own personal dream as the trio start their own independent journey away from home. 

Early Life

Kiko is the stereotypical youngest child of the Ito family, and she's proud of her spoiled status.  Her earliest days were her happiest among familial memories, as odd and unusual of a pairing her parents were (her mother a siren, and her father an oni) she adored both of them.  She loves her mother especially, loved singing with her, loved dressing up with her and having her hair done.  Kiko cherished every moment she could steal, begging her father to take her to see her mom sing. But,  her entire opinion of her father changed in an instant on one fateful night out on town, something that left him bruised and battered and her vision down.  The farther she strayed from her fathers graces the closer and clingier she got to her mother and sisters though.

Being the baby had multiple perks though, she was spoiled yes, but she was also pretty darn tough.  Kiko made sure she didn’t fall behind, working hard to keep up with her older sisters in their silly brawls and magic lessons.  Whenever their Uncle came around to visit for lessons, Kiko was always ready to show off whatever silly water trick she’d picked up.  Unfortunately for her mother, the healing magic failed to pass over - she could sing at least, but the water was much more mean than soothing.

When their parents finally separated, Kiko wasn’t too heartbroken.  Their father had been gone longer and longer as the final day drew closer, and she didn’t like him much anyways.  The separation didn’t seem to hit her as hard but in the quiet normalness of their life that followed she finally had her time to build up more passions and dreams.  Her grandmother was the one who dragged Kiko to a performance - the tickets were still a safekeep in a tucked away hiding spot. The awe the actresses struck in her was still prevalent to this day, and a tiny hopeful dream that maybe… maybe someday she’d find a little troupe to perform with too.

Moving to Walpurgis

The decision to move to Walpurgis was easy. Kiko initially just followed her eldest sister Harmony, bored by the moping that haunted their life after their father left and charmed by the idea of starting her own and new independent journey. Though, calling it independent is kind of silly considering she’s been mooching off her older siblings.   Harmony had handed over all the details of the little hideaway town - perks added on when Kiko was informed that it was specifically a place where supernatural beings didn’t have to hide their powers at all.  Despite it being a sleepy little place, Kiko found herself excited to navigate the waters and see what came about. 

Present Day

Walpurgis has turned out to be so much more exciting than Kiko initially predicted. The drama of the hunters, the Betrayal of the Super Sexy Witch and the hunters had brought nothing but entertainment to the siren. If anything the town has proven to be a lot more content inspiring than she originally thought and the nonstop and …. sliiiightly traumatizing events have her finally feeling motivated to start doing something with her life other than just causing her own little hiccups with authority. Harmony being injured has her ready to step up more too, among her sisters and fight to protect the little unit of family she has.

She has been enjoying strolls by the lake in her downtime, stopping by the library and offering the frogs she finds some ideas and actress’ driven dreams. Observing the other mythical creatures of the sea has her own confidence to finally approach them about finding water magic heightened, but not in a desperate sense. No. Her inflated ego has her thinking her magic is just fine. Now all she needs is the motivation to get to work and find some theater snobs to rub elbows with, big dreams, big plays.

Race Lore

Kiko is a siren, a common water ghoul that many have heard stories about by now. Sirens have always been known as beautiful creatures with enchanting voices used to trick their prey before striking. Regardless of what the original Siren was, stories have recorded two types: Bird-like and Fish-like. Both exist in the world sharing the same name as they more or less have the same ability of song, along with the fabled beauty but that is up for debate. Being of the aquatic variation she does have a few scales when the will is there and can take a much more elegant form in the waves. The term for the water-based Sirens have become interchangeable with Mermaids and various other merfolk, especially so if they have singing magic. Her voice is something powerful, in Kiko's sense it doesn't affect anything much past the elements. (ty Jonah for siren lore <3)






Harmony  [ sister ]

big dumb doo doo head


Mathieu  [ nemesis (friendly) ]

tiny doo doo head


Character  [ relationship ]

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Glass eye

her right eye is fake lol

Item Name

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Item Name

Item description goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit graeci tamquam iuvaret an, invenire postulant ne per. Albucius omnesque eu nec, his alienum pertinacia philosophia id, no partiendo facilisis nec.


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