Arley Little



2 years, 3 months ago


Art Sorority

01 — Profile

Name Arley Little
Nicknames Cherry Bomb
Age 25
Pronouns He/Him
Height 5'6"
Epithet Blast
Proficency 13
Stamina 30
Occupation SysAdmin

Status Praying
Designer @ battybane
Worth More, soon.
  • Hair shine is like a soundwave/ heartbeat

  • Pupils glow in dark

02 — Personality

Arley Little is extremely anxious. He nervously runs about from task to task, afraid that the failure of one may lead to and unstoppable, horrible result. ...Naturally his recent visit to the Icebreaker Hotel has been stressful.

  • Being on time

  • Rythm Games

  • Coding

  • Loud Noises

  • Unexpected Changed

  • His Epithet

03 — Background

Band Days

Arley Little was like any kid with a flashy epithet- he used it CONSTANTLY and made sure EVERYONE knew how COOL it was. What kid wouldnt like an epithet like BLAST after all, it was made for well... having a blast!! And have a blast he did, gathering together his close friends to make an amateur band making loud, experimental music, and getting into all sort of trouble- it was a good time to be a teenager.

Of course, nothing lasts forever.

One fateful day, him and zeke were messing around with their epithets- harmless child's play really. They wanted to make their music louder, more electric- and with their powers combined, surely they could do anything! Zeke's epithet fed into Arley's making it stronger ticking those numbers up, up, up- into something the 16 year old could barely control. He had only a split second to divert the gathering explosion of noise away from the his friends and to point it right back towards himself. And the world went silent.

Working Man

After the accident, Arley distanced himself as much as possible from everyone and everything involved. He barely spoke to his friends if he could avoid it, and he threw himself into his studies at school, going from a slumping and unintrested C to a sparkling A, as he abandoned his prior interests and hobbies. His reclusive habits only got worse after highschool, as he shuttled off to college and got an office job two cities away. With a new life in hand he tried his best not to look back, letting his old guitar gather dust in the back of a closet, and only answering calls from work or is frettful but proud mother.

The Hotel

Recently he was at a hotel for a conference for work and ended up finding out rather unpleasently that it was HAUNTED as HELL. Forced to cooperate with the other guests trapped there, Arely managed to get over his epithet fears long enough to obliterate some boxes and help untangle the web that had been laid. Also, he has a kid now?

04 — Trivia

  • The name of he party from the icebreaker hotel is the Daisy Gang, because they kept holding hands in a daisy chain of idiots.

  • Despite distancing himself, hasnt changed his phone number.

05 — Relationships

Cyril Conroy
Haunted Pals

Two bros, sitting in a hotel, channeling the spirits of someones dead siblinggggg!

Son Boy

son boy.