


2 years, 4 months ago



NAME Starling

Status Deceased


ROLE Warrior

ORIGIN MorrowClan

CLAN MorrowClan

RESIDENCE BetweenTheStars


A small short furred tom, where he lacked physical power he made up for in deceptiveness and manipulation.

I. Bio

A spirit that wanders between the worlds of life and death. Unable to interact with the world around him and with no memories or thoughts of his own he drifts along with the wind. This is until he comes in contact with a kitten suffering much of the same pains he did in his previous life. Latching onto her he regains his memories and begins to guide the small kit into following the path he took in order to complete a task he failed to complete.

II. Story


StarlingKit was born into MorrowClan and grew up as the odd cat. If his littermates were playing warriors he'd be assessing how to fortify the brambles in the camp. So he tended to act alone and the clan left him seeing him more as an outsider living in their walls. However he had one friend HollyKit who was only 3 days older than him. During their apprentice years they included the new Medicine cat apprentice LarkPaw into their little group. Even if they were friends StarlingPaw could sense LarkPaw never truly trusted him.


Close to the time he was to become a warrior he was patrolling the border between NimbusClan. An area filled with prey that constantly changed borders between the clans. He encountered a small patrol of Nimbus cats including their leader. He attempted to hide but was spotted by FalconStar who gestured to him for a conversation. He talked of finally ordering peace at that border and wished for Starlingpaw to bring MorrowClans leader to discuss. So StarlingPaw did just that. He brought SilverStar and a group of strong warriors to the border to discuss peace between the clans. Things seemed to go well and they returned to camp only to find it ripped to shreds cats injured and dead from both Morrow and Nimbus.


The Blame of what happened was forced onto him being seen as a spy for Nimbus. His friend was awarded her warrior name HollyPine after the battle and he was left exiled from the clan. He continued to remain on MorrowClan territory avoiding confrontation with his previous clan but causing havoc in the forest. This was until he was approached by his old friends who offered him to prey as he was on the verge of starving. It was only a few moments into the meal he realized it was laced with death berries. He Howled in anger at their ignorance cursing them as his vision faded to black.


Once he rewoke he was face to face with a small kitten who seemed to have been crying. All the years of his previous life came surging back into him. Seeing this same anger in the kit's eyes he swore off the name he wore to Starling alone. And began to lead the kit into becoming the curse he swore upon his past clanmates.

IV. Links

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Starling and Flames' relationship is similar to that of an imaginary friend. As Flame grew he acted as her friend but in reality was just a voice telling her what to do and twisting the reality she lived in around her. As a Kitten they played together, As an apprentice he was a second mentor. But by the time she became a warrior she began to grow bitter towards him. But at that point it was too late since his morals and goals had already been laced into her mind believing them to be her own.

IMG_4817.png HollyPine ChildHood Friend

Their friendship had been close their entire life. With her ball of sunshine attitude she contrasted his dark demeanor. When it was told he had betrayed the clan HollyPine was the first to object to the allegations but it was to no avail. Growing weary at the chaos she began to see Starling create in their territory she went to find him before the rest of the clan. Even if she was the cause she cried watching the life drain from her friend as he howled in anger.

IMG_4817.png LarkPaw Friend

Although they were never super close they spent many days together and LarkPaw was always there to aid when Starling or Holly injured themselves. Starling could always sense distrust in LarkPaw towards him but never paid mind to it until the day he was exiled, when his friend just stared at him with anger he had never seen the small apprentice show.


My Name

I won't apologize for the mess that you're in I'm gonna hide my eyes from your crimson sin No sacrifice can make atonement again The blood is on your hands: You should be ashamed You won't forget my name! You won't forget my name! So now I say goodbye and this to you, I pledge: Take your final step and plummet over the edge You listened to the snake! I won't take any blame Now here's my breath in your face, I leave you up in flames. You won't forget my name! You won't forget my name! Behold! The angel's singing sweet For righteousness; a cry! He sings for you so tenderly: "Apple of my eye!" Stay right where you are; Don't be foolish to try any courageous moves You won't be saving lives I didn't do all I've done for you to put me to shame Now in your final hour my legacy remains You won't forget my name! You won't forget my name! Behold! The angel's singing sweet For righteousness; a cry! I sing for you so tenderly: "Apple of my eye!"

Betrayal acts as a curse, it continues to fester until it is repent.

My Name
Charlie Winston