Fossil (Forum Encounters 🗺️)





"The OC above wants to be your OC's friend" Game

Fossil looked up at Ren with curiosity, pondering the request in silence for a few moments. Why would she choose to be his friend? He observed the many flowers that adorned her with extra attention, fascinated by the similarity.

Did she also plant those flowers to be liked? Had they been watered with tears like his own? He sniffled and dried his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater, trotting closer to sit down beside her with a nod, "Cubone."

Softly, he patted her knee in sympathy and held out his precious plush dinosaur. He was certain she could use the comfort. She must have cried a lot to grow so many flowers.

Character Here



"The OC above wants to be your OC's friend" Game

The poor little thing had been trailing after her for... how long now? Honestly, Shrike had only noticed ten minutes before, and kept an eye on him. He sounded sick to her, just telling by how often he sniveled and hiccupped, and if not sick, then certainly on the brink of tears. Maybe he knew who to come to, who to stick by. Shrike was... overly energetic, maybe a bit much for those languishing, but she was not unkind.

As the world around them quieted down, as morning was slow to come, she found herself fatigued. That was normal after a night out -- but she did not show her tiredness for the cubone's sake, who she paused before and leaned down to greet him "officially", smiling as she did. "Hello!" she cooed, resting her hands atop her knees, "How precious..! How cute! You are very cute."

It was an attempt to cheer him up, firstly. Making friends had to come after he was soothed. "Are you lost?" she asked, "If you are! I can! I can help you, or you can hang out with me a little while until someone comes to get you! There is! There is a coffee shop. Near here. We should go in there, so you can get a hot chocolate!" And a macchiato for herself, because she had a feeling she wouldn't get to sleep any time soon.

Character Here




Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed purus nibh, placerat vel blandit at, interdum egestas eros. In iaculis, risus id facilisis facilisis, dui nisi maximus turpis, quis laoreet enim dui sit amet erat. In tincidunt arcu leo, ac dapibus nulla hendrerit et. Proin orci neque, pulvinar id rutrum sit amet, placerat a nulla. Donec ut ex tincidunt, fringilla diam a, bibendum leo. Ut eu ullamcorper nisi. Proin sit amet metus et orci sodales molestie eu in nisl. Aliquam iaculis metus quis quam aliquam, eget sagittis quam lobortis. Duis non dignissim lacus. Etiam finibus ipsum ut sollicitudin blandit. Duis nisi felis, auctor non iaculis eu, hendrerit ut lacus. Vestibulum dictum est sagittis odio mollis, ut placerat lectus pharetra. Vestibulum nec dui in ligula ultrices eleifend.

Cras facilisis sollicitudin risus vitae ultricies. Sed id diam purus. Suspendisse vitae massa ut dui ornare accumsan. Donec at fermentum lacus. Duis tincidunt efficitur sagittis. Integer sit amet purus sed nibh tempor egestas nec eget arcu. Aliquam tristique turpis eu tempus maximus. Duis nisi est, vehicula vitae justo ac, viverra aliquam orci. Aliquam consectetur, mauris quis eleifend hendrerit, nibh quam elementum libero, eu molestie metus lorem non justo. Maecenas ut eleifend purus. Curabitur sit amet placerat nisi. Donec elementum velit eget erat tristique blandit. Aliquam lorem turpis, euismod et ultrices id, euismod a ex.

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