


2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name



Mountain/Magic Heavy Alkarnabi


Anthro or Feral





Zodiac / Birthday

Rose Gold Magic-Heavy (Feb 21)


Female (She/Her)


Otherworldly Sight


Warm drinks, village tourists, festivals, vanilla smell, cider


Icy walkways, treasure hunters, spicy food, the feeling of chalk


Cartography, researching folklore, cooking, nonfiction


Valentine's Baby Batch 2022 (Stratus / Bewilder)

Cirrus owns the ski lodge at Winterwick, and has lived in or around the village her entire life. She has no interest in leaving - in fact, she is quite invested in staying, and doing the impossible: reaching the top of the Zenith. 

- Considerate - Earnest - Vague - Whimsical - Folksy - Sensitive -


Welcome to Winterwick!
Cirrus is born in Winterwick, though no one in the village remembers the day she was born. All anyone remembers is the day her father Stratus brought her to the village. She has an uneventful childhood, living with her father, spending her time playing in the forest just outside Winterwick, and dreaming of what it's like to reach the top of the mountain. When she's old enough, she moves to the lodge and takes ownership when the old owner retires. Her life is peaceful, but a piece of her feels missing, and she decides that the Zenith is the key to finding the missing piece of herself. After all, she knows that her mother, Ephemera, is up there. Why wouldn't she be able to meet her in her own domain one day?

Climbing the Zenith
On days when it isn't particularly eventful, Cirrus climbs the Zenith. At first, most of the town assumes she does so because she's visiting her father, who lives at the treeline. While she does stop by, her true intention has always been to reach the True Zenith - the mountain's peak - a feat no one in recorded history has ever done. For months, she is constantly thwarted by harsh weather, sudden fatigue, and the unshakeable feeling that she's being watched. When she confides in Stratus, he doesn't commit to an opinion on whether or not she will ever be able to reach the top, but he doesn't discourage her efforts. He warns her that, regardless of who she is, she will face many dangers once she ventures above the treeline. The Zenith is no more merciful to Cirrus than anyone else who has tried before... though he doesn't seem completely certain of that fact. After a few more failed attempts, Cirrus decides she alone cannot make the climb... she needs help.

It's Dangerous to Go Alone
Cirrus approaches residents of the village, though most turn her down. After all, many travelers have tried, even full-time adventurers. None of them have ever come back successful... some haven't come back at all. Despite this, two villagers do take up her offer: Carrice and Socks. Together, the three come up with a plan to climb the mountain. Word spreads that they intend to seriously try, and Cirrus is approached by Regent, one of the town's leaders. She tries to dissuade Cirrus by telling her of all the bad visions she's had of anyone who tries to reach the top. Cirrus is adamant that she's different, and her intention is pure. Regent doubts this, but she knows she is ultimately powerless to physically stop the three if they choose to continue. She offers some advice based on her visions - possible threats to consider, mainly - and Cirrus brings this advice to the other two to further help them prepare. When the day comes for them to set off toward the mountain, the three feel as prepared as they ever could be. Cirrus leaves the lodge in Keppel's care, and Socks leaves Hank in charge of the museum.