


2 years, 3 months ago




Name Sunsplash
Gender Male
Rank Warrior
Clan Emberclan
Prev. Clan Riverclan
Status Alive


Sunpaw was born to Willowbreeze and Reedtail of Riverclan, being their only kit. They're relationship wasn't quite so loving, but they both cared deeply for their son, or so it seemed. He grew up playing with the other kits in the nursery, never having siblings to play with. His father Reedtail left the clans just before he was an apprentice, leaving him and his mother behind without a care. This broke both Willowbreeze and Sunkit. But it didn't take the kit long to realize that this wasn't the end for them. His father was selfish and he did his best to raise his moms spirits. He brought her out of her slump slowed and she watched her baby boy grow up over time. With the help of her brother Finflame and Reedtail's brother Silverstripe she raised her son to be a kind cat. When it came time for him to be an apprentice, his uncle Silverstripe was appointed his mentor.

Soon the war came. Sunpaw watched his mother, the single most important cat in his life, fall before him, defending him. He had also endured what he thought was the loss of Finflame, not seeing him with them as they left for the journey. Even though he still had his uncle Silvestripe, this broke his spirit for a while. Over the course of the journey to the new territory, something reignited his flame. He found a new sense of purpose within the group of cats who wanted to join Emberclan. He even made a new friend in a young she-cat named Hollypaw. He knew this was the path to follow.

Emberclan became a good home for Sunpaw. He had friends and his uncle, and now a cat he could call his aunt as well. But, He felt like he wasn't worth much to the clan... He has insecurities from his father leaving him from a young age and acted out on them, an attitude growing and self hate seething from within. He took things into his own paws after a heart to heart with his uncle, hoping to do something heroic to earn his warrior name early. Instead, after trying to hunt a falcon, he nearly died. Instead of earning a warrior name, he earned a scar on his chest and was held back an entire moon in his training.

After he received his warrior name tragedy struck. In the span of a few days his aunt, uncle, and all but one of their kits died, leaving him and his little sister/cousin Violetkit all alone. After much argument he let Bitternwhisker take care of Violet, fearing what Sharkscar might do to the innocent kit. After Sharkscar's death, he become protective of Violetkit, Bitternwhisker, and her kits, not wanting them to face the same scrutiny he did.

The second journey came, bringing joy for Sunsplash. His mother's brother, Finflame, was alive and had joined Emberclan. He was finally getting more family. He was also making ground with his love for Hollytail, finally confessing his love for her and her returning it. This, however, did not last. As he tried to get closer to her Hollytail started to push away from him until it all boiled over.

One night Holly spotted Sun and Maple talking, and the boys spotter her. Before they could call her over though, she bolted away, out of camp. They followed her and a fight broke out between Hollytail and Sunsplash, both saying things that they didn't really mean out of anger. They tore each other apart before it got physical, Holly slashing Sun across the face, which lead to him slashing her on the shoulder on accident. Hollytail ran away after that and Sunsplash calmed down, panicking. He still loved her, he always would love her. So he came up with a lie to tell the clan, with Mapledawn's help. Holly had fallen into the river. He tried to save her but a tree branch caught him on his way down and scratched him across the face. He lost sight of her. She could be alive, he didn't know, He wanted to give her a way to come back... without judgement.


  • Sunsplash does not know if his father, Reedtail, is dead or alive but if he were to see him he would probably attack him.
  • Sunsplash has lost two moms named Willow, Willowbreeze his birth mom and the cat who raised him and Willowheart, his dead uncle's mate and a cat he loved like a second mother.
  • Sunsplash hates the fact he looks like his dad, despite being a bit lighter than him. He wishes he were either pure white or white and grey rather than a calico like his father.


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