


4 years, 4 months ago




Name Blossomspring
Gender Female
Rank Medicine Cat
Clan Emberclan
Prev. Clan Thunderclan
Status Alive


Blossomkit was the only kit of Goldenpelt and Lightningfoot, them having kits a little to young to carry most kits to term. She was their pride and joy, quite well loved by her parents. She grew up quite sheltered because of it, but despite being sheltered she became fast friends with an older kit by the name of Beekit. They would play together and often you would find Blossomkit following his lead on most things. When Beekit became Beepaw, it broke her heart a little since she wouldn't have a best friends to play with.

She was still a kit when the war happened and she lost both of her parents and her bestfriend. She was found in the Thunderclan camp, the other cats checking the camps for kits and queens before they left. For a whole moon she traveled with the medicine cats and Briarflight, being inspired by them. She knew Briarflight was her cousin Honeypaw's mentor and looked up to her a lot. After the travels she joined Emberclan and became the medicine cat apprentice.

Not long after the clan's settled Blossompaw started getting nightmares, until one night Starclan came to her and gave her the first prophecy of the clans, telling her not to tell her mentor. This ate away at Blossompaw for a long time, until she confided in Emberstar about it. Together the two worked to figure out the prophecy, not knowing what it meant.

She continued her work diligently, still getting vivid nightmares which caused her a lack of sleep. Despite that, she worked hard and soon after the mudslide that filled Emberclan camp, her mentor decided it was time for her to earn her full name. They traveled to the moonpeak and she became Blossomspring. It wasn't long after that that Sharkscar enacted his plan and Halfpelt was killed, leaving Blossomspring as the sole medicine cat of Emberclan.

It was nearly a moon before she decided she was ready to take on an apprentice, and even then she wasn't sure. Her and Emberstar talked about it and decided on Kestrelpaw, his interest in helping others and his kind nature being something that made Blossomspring feel more at ease with having an apprentice.


  • Blossom's mother, Goldenpelt, was half Thunderclan and half Windclan, making Blossomspring 1/4th Windclan.
  • Blossomspring is VERY distantly related to Brackenfur of Thunderclan through Cinderheart, which makes her also related to Lionblaze and that side of the family as well as Cinderpelt.
  • Blossomspring and Honeyshine are cousin through her father's side.


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