Dazzle Night



2 years, 3 months ago


Dazzle Night

"Wearing colorful shades at midnight."

  • AGE147
  • Gender Male
  • Race Cistina
  • Animal type Horse
  • Personaity type Elegant and Pompous
  •  His eyes are super sensitive to the sun or any bright light, so He claims. As he informs other, that without his shades he'll go blind. Dazzle is often overdramatic about stuff he dislikes. He know to say he allergic to certain food when he isn't. Just on the fact he feel contempt toward it. 
  •  Dazzle Knight is a self taught botanist. He collects natural materials to turn it into medicine, tea, and beauty products. He sells these items in a vardo wagon called The Herbiest Chariot.
  • He's best known to be good with beauty products. While his house tea's typically taste good, one should fear the weekly specials flavors.  As they rarely taste great, and some mystery flavors have gotten client sick before. Which makes working in a wagon, quite convenient at time. 
  •  Dazzle does dabbles in herbal medicine. He always seem to be making ointment for Alice Kacey to help heal her bruises. Since she insist on following him around, and refuse to cover it up with makeup. He also make strange potion. That he often pass it off as medicine, despite not having any healing effects. But one of his potion did turn someone blue, so there that. 

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