Lady Winsiten



2 years, 2 days ago

Basic Info

Master List Number:



Lady Winsiten

"We are nothing without your grace Queen Xisevera."

  • AGE Unknown
  • GENDER Female
  • RAcE Seoc
  • Cult Unknown
  • PERSONAITY TypeSophisticated and Shrewd

  • Addressing her as Lady Winsiten, for those who don't she will refuse to speak with and will forever looked down as common rabble. Lady Winsiten my seem cold at first, but once you get to know her she is even more inhospitable than one could even imagine. 
  • Wearing layer of clothing to keep most of her skin covered for protection. Her age is unknown its disrespectful to ask her. But it's clearly written on her skin and eyes. White out eyes that are blind like most Seocs and skin so thin her veins show on her chest and face. 
  • Putting her full faith in Queen Xisevera. You will never catch her say a bad thing. The Queen can do no wrong in her eyes. While looking up to everyone in the The House of Malediction as an equal. Calling each one of them by her given title: Lord(Male), Lady(Female) or Noble(Neutral). 
  • As for the Cult of the Forbidden, She agrees very much with there mission. Anything coming down from the Queen should be seen as divine blessing. And she treats the ones who turn and survive as the God they are.

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