


2 years, 3 months ago


  • NAME Flutterkit
  • NICKNAMES Flutter
  • BIRTHSEASON Leaf-fall
  • AGE 0 Moons
  • GENDER Male
  • PRONOUNS He/him
  • RESIDENCE MonarchClan
  • RANK Kit
  • STATUS Alive
  • VOICE CLAIM Colt Vahn (older)

not that i want to be a god or a hero, just to change into a tree, grow for ages, not hurt anyone

Flutterkit was born to Smallfern in a large litter of seven kits.

He's a large lad, with large emotions. It's fairly well known that Flutter tends to wear his heart on his sleeve, though its not really by choice. You can easily infer what he's thinking from his expression alone most days.

He has a lot of growing to do, and a big role to fill with six other siblings.
















pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy






Flutter at first glance is as easy-going as they come. He’s a picture perfect definition of a gentle giant, as his name would suggest. There’s nothing to this feline that screams… much of anything at all. Unobtrusive perhaps to a fault, Flutter often can feel like another face in the crowd, easily falling into the background of any scenario. It’s what he prefers most of the time, anyways. He tends to be methodical in his tasks, going through the day with a careful touch, gentle even with the leaves under his paws. He enjoys being helpful in his own way, often accommodating for his siblings needs, and relentlessly optimistic in the wake of misfortune that might befall any cat he cares for.

On the outside, at least. Flutter struggles perhaps more than some cats with things that should, theoretically, be simple. He has a habit of getting quickly burnt out by regular tasks, or conversations. It isn’t to say he doesn’t enjoy the company of his friends, but there’s a certain level of responsibility he feels with almost every relationship he forms that slowly starts to fall through the moment things grow harder, and more personal. Whether that tension is projected by Flutter himself or not, doesn’t always matter. It results in bouts where Flutter doesn’t have the energy to do much of anything, preferring to be in his nest and snooze the day away.

If there’s one thing that helps him though, it's his idealism. When the going gets tough, Flutter focuses on the happy things as best he can, even when it might not be appropriate. What else can he do? He believes that regardless of the situation, things will turn out alright. Even if it’s all cosmic chaos, everything must happen for a reason, so he simply has to keep going. Every hill has a dip, and every dip has a hill, right?

Flutter also tends to be fairly relentlessly trusting to almost all the cats he meets. He manages to keep an open mind towards most interactions, wanting to see the best in people regardless of what they’re like. Though he is trusting, Flutter is also very specific about the cats he considers friends. He’s scrupulous about one’s character once there’s grounds for connection established, which can make it a little difficult for him to maintain friendships. Unfortunately for others, small little innocuous mistakes can completely ruin the image of a cat for Flutter.

It isn’t something he does on purpose, of course. Flutter hates conflict, so when he feels like something isn’t working in a friendship, he has a habit of clamming up and becoming difficult to communicate with. While it's easy to tell that Flutter is emotional about something, it’s a lot harder to get him to actually conceptualise what he’s feeling. He’s discreet about such things, so it can sometimes spring up as a surprise to some cats who see Flutter pulling away.

Flutter has a hard time with emotions, in general. Whether bad or good, it gets very overwhelming for him very fast. Intense joy can be just as debilitating as intense sadness for Flutter, and both sides will probably end with tears and an upset stomach. This can make Flutter feel inconsistent for some cats. It doesn’t take much to set him off, and his moods can flip like a lightswitch, one poorly worded sentence away from disappearing into his nest for a few days.

It's no doubt, even at a younger age, Flutter can be fairly bogged down by bouts of melancholy. Perhaps there’s no real reason for it, but it comes and goes like rain and sun. There are moments where he wishes he could have the same kind of energy everyone else seems to have. The world has a habit of moving too quickly for Flutter, who wishes there was just a little more time to stop and smell the roses.

Flutter is a very religious cat, as well. His spirituality deeply influences his world view, and he often daydreams about being part of a prophecy. Flutter doesn’t yearn to be special, but he does silently wish he could touch the stars and be part of something bigger than himself. He believes in destiny, and things being written out in the stars. All the bad things, they happen for a reason. They have to, or wouldn’t it all be for nothing?

Positive Traits
  • Unobtrusive
  • Easy-going
  • Methodical
  • Accommodating
Neutral Traits
  • Idealistic
  • Trusting
  • Spiritual
  • Scrupulous
Negative Traits
  • Inconsistent
  • Emotional
  • Melancholic
  • Discreet
  • MOTHER Smallfern
  • FATHER Maggotscorn (Surrogate)
  • SIBLINGS Meadowkit, Fireflykit, Bumblekit, Beekit, Silkkit, Pipitkit
  • MATE N/A

Flutterkit was born to Smallfern, alongside six other siblings. Meadowkit, Fireflykit, Bumblekit, Beekit, Silkkit and Pipitkit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac eros non nisl accumsan luctus. Nam et diam ac orci maximus feugiat. Morbi dapibus sed ipsum in commodo. Aliquam ac elementum nulla, ac suscipit lectus. Integer varius ante iaculis ipsum dictum, a sodales urna porta. Maecenas viverra, leo non accumsan tempus, enim nibh cursus justo, eget congue libero nulla sed augue. Ut vel lacus massa.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sem erat, iaculis vel velit at, mattis euismod lacus. Morbi suscipit ipsum accumsan leo dapibus, eu mattis neque facilisis. Etiam consequat eget eros a mollis. Donec bibendum nibh id augue pharetra consequat. Donec lobortis risus nunc.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sem erat, iaculis vel velit at, mattis euismod lacus. Morbi suscipit ipsum accumsan leo dapibus, eu mattis neque facilisis. Etiam consequat eget eros a mollis. Donec bibendum nibh id augue pharetra consequat. Donec lobortis risus nunc.

  • Flutter ━  named in honour of his uncle, Coconutpaw.
  • Kit ━  standard name for kittens.
  • KIT ━  -
  • You'll never guess... butterflies.
  • Getting his back "drawn" on. Tickles. Kinda.
  • Being told stories of his mom.
  • Sleeping. Naps. MMM cozy.
  • Argumentative cats.
  • Being compared to other cats.
  • Grungch.

  • Being cute or something.
  • He's big so... he can throw his weight around pretty good.
  • Being boring.
  • Being boring.
  • Like all of it.
  • All the things.
  • Flutter is a bit of a hopeless romantic. He likes stories of romance, secretly.
  • He won't eat prey older than a day old, due to circumstances he grew up in.
  • BREED Moggy
  • BODY TYPE Thick
  • BUILD Large
  • HEIGHT Literally as big as you can be.
  • SCARS -
  • SCENT Heather and lilacs, on a good day.
  • PELT COLOUR White and orange.
  • FUR SHAPE Very fluffy. The most fluffy.
  • EYES COLOUR Orange
  • WEIGHT Heavy-set
  • DESIGNER eazyqueazy
  • WORTH at least 3 cornchips.

Flutter is a very large cat. Flutter doesn't particularly enjoy being a large cat, though, so often you'll find him with a slumped posture. He's densely furred, a thick mane covering his neck and nape. His fur is an off-white cream colour, with moth-like orange markings on his face, legs, back and tail.

Flutter also has ears that curl back, and a bushy looking mustache over his lip. His eyes are a warm orange-y peach colour, similar to that of a sunset.

His nose has little pink spots and he's sooooo cute about it.

 mother -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

 surrogate father -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

 brother -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

 brother -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

 brother -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

 sister -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

 sister -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

 sister -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

 relationship -

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.