




"Witches are naturally nosy."

Name: Annika
Creator: Kitana.
Gender: Female
Rules: here
Race/Species: Guppy
Obtained: Won Here
Marital status: With Venati
Trade/sale status: NFT/S
Occupation: Witch
Total art: 3

Stories - World info - Other

I should have kept my nose to myself, I shouldn't have gotten involved.

Annika was born a witch, raised a witch, and treated by her family as the next in a long line of practitioners of herbalist and potionmaking with a bang. She never knew there was anything wrong with her tiny mountain village, never saw the village of witchcraft as anything but home, and even though her family warned her a thousand times to stay in the valley, never cross those mountain walls. Well, she didn't listen. Call it naivety, call it being too nosy, too curious for her own good. Whatever you called it, she should have kept her mouth shut. She shouldn't have protected that deer from those rowdy hunters, shouldn't have told them where she came from when they asked. Should have been more suspicious of their traps.
But soon she was caged, caged and brought to their village beyond the valley, trapped, prodded and taunted as they lit their torches, their pitchforks held high. It seemed a dream- rather, a nightmare.











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✔ Potions and brewing, also cooking
✔ Her herbs
✔ Magic tricks
✔ A good crowd
✔ Her familiar/companion, her best friend Newt
✘ Gossipers
✘ Liars
✘ Failed tricks
✘ Spilled potions
✘ The idea of returning home after the trouble she caused
Positive Traits
• Decisive, makes choices with finality
• Forgiving
• Innovative
• Modest
Negative Traits
• Nosy
• Forgetful
• Opinionated
• Wishful

"Witchhunt" They said, hunt down the witches. "Why?" she pleaded. They did nothing wrong.

And so as she feared for her home, restless in her prison she reached out to the children running about outside. Beckoning them over she showed him the tricks she'd learned. Not real magic- she didn't have much in the way of real magic.. but card tricks pulled from her backpack, colorful flash bombs, herbal mixtures with wonderful smells, and soon she was almost smiling through her fears as the children's fear became intrigue, and intrigue became joy. They laughed and joked and played with her 'magical' creations, and by the time the adults had returned, armed to interrogate their prisoner, they were astounded to find their youth mesmerized by the young witch. At first meeting her efforts with anger and threats, but still she persisted. Showing the good of magic, putting on the best show she could muster, one to save her people. Flashes of glimmer, of sparkle and color, jokes and fun that won over even the hardened hunters, despite their suspicions.

It was a slow process, but eventually she became accepted. Released, part of this new outside world. She became a showman, bringing joy wherever she traveled, slowly changing the views people held of witches and magic users around her, and creating a new name for herself as Annika the Amazing; a tacky name- but it was easy for the kids to remember.
Her home was forgotten, distracted as the people were, and her family left unharmed.

But despite it all, she did not forget. She didn't let her guard down, didn't stay oblivious to the suspicious stares, the muttered threats and aggression. She just became cunning. using her tricks to teach a lesson to those who judge a book by its cover. Not with malicious intent, but with the nature of a trickster who has a generous lesson to teach.

✧ Never goes anywhere without her companion- Newt!



[ Companion

Obtained: Received in a trade with blue-android

Newt is Annika's companion and familiar, a creature from her homeland that helps her to create potions. Since she has no magical ability of her own, Newt adds magical properties to her potions when the correct ingredients are brewed. 


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
