
T A M A G O  -  L v ? ? ?

[ Togepi/Mimikyu | Gender Unknown | Age Unknown (baby??) | Fairy Type ]
(Ability) ???
Relaxed Nature; Nods off a lot
Generally considered to be an oddity, if not outright cryptic, even in regards to other togekiss/mimikyu offspring. Perhaps the mimikyu spirit developed and possessed the egg contents too early, but exactly what happened remains a mystery. The individual itself is rather lazy and shy in nature, and it usually keeps itself safely tucked in it's shell. It shares mimikyu's innate desire to present as a pikachu, and thus shapes it's body into that image. 
Likes, passions TBA
Dislikes, fears TBA

Soft Boiled, Egg Bomb, Bounce, Mimic




- Can extend it's arm/claws like a mimikyu can. 
- Has precise control over it's body shape and appearance, including marking locations (it prefers to appear as an eggy pikachu) this includes:
     - Overall body transparent and slightly milky, like uncooked egg white.
     - Yellow parts are yolk
     - Red parts are remnant blood leftover from fertilization
     - Brown parts are burnt material (from being in the light for extended periods)
- Body is gooey and can be pierced without hurting it. Touching the brown markings leaves a charcoal-like substance on your fingers.

Yes they are a reference to digitamamon, as well as gudetama.