Unfinished codes [C] SNIP ([1] World code)



2 years, 3 months ago




Summary of the world here. Write stuff about it, you knows the deals. Here's a bunch of blahs to fill space. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah yadda yadda blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blerdy blahdy bludy bler blah blah blah blah blah blah

And oh my gosh there's another paragraph this is insane. Uh oh the blahs are back. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Before I drown in blahs, I must inform you that the box does indeed scroll


It was many years ago. The first ever side was formed on the 2nd dimension. Seconds later, more sides were formed, eventually compiling into the first ever cube. The first block was born. It was minutes before an entire plane was formed, made entirely of newly-formed cubes. It was incredible, you see, how the cubes managed to form on their own like that. Some people believed they came to be via the work of Gods or some kind of supernatural power up above. Others believe it... just happened. Nonetheless, the world was formed only a mere 30 minutes since the first cube was created. This world was known later as (and then you put the name of the world here)

Please don't actually use this format I have no clue why I took the time to write something out. Box doesn't scroll but it'll expand


This is where you would write another section and stuff. Again, box doesn't scroll but it'll expand in the downwards direction

Second paragraph for your paragraphing needs


And you know what? Let's throw in a third event. Worlds can be chaotic and frankly quite eventful sometimes. Add more if necessary, though I doubt you'll need many more than 3

Second paragraph of course. Same rules apply with the other boxes


Uh yeah you know what to write here. Just a description of their tastes and stuff. Try to make it brief, it'll look better. Box doesn't scroll but it'll expand

Some examples of food they eat include:

  • Food they eat
  • that is tastey
  • and yummy
  • More food
  • man these guys are hungry
  • can't blame em


Some celebrations they celebrate on special occasions. Again try to make it brief. Trust me it'll look better. I'm just gonna keep typing until I get to the second row

Holidays they celebrate:

  • Holiday 1 - Description
  • Holiday 2 - Description
  • Holiday 3 - Description


Stuff they believe in, such as a God or some other higher being. Might not necessarily be a God idk. Filler writing so it looks more accurate to uh yknow

And then here's another paragraph in case you need it yeah classic me. Try not to keep this one brief because there's no list at the bottom


Stuff that they say. That's about it. Alright so basically these people talk but it sounds like gibberish to other people but it's actually a very easy to learn language. This is actually just filler.

And then yeah another paragraph. Again, like the last one, try not to keep this one brief.