


6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Clover Tulaine

Age: 20

Height: 5'3"

Gender: Female (she/her)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: April 22nd

The Tulaine's bloodline is one of high pedigree, putting the pressure on Clover, as the sole child of the Tulaine family, to excel at all she did from a young age. When it was apparent from schooling that she was passing with flying colors in all of her potion and spell-casting courses, she was removed from school and began as an apprentice under her grandmother at the age of 10. As such, Clover really did not get to learn how to interact with peers her own age well, either becoming ridiculously formal or impatient with their antics. She would never admit she was actually pretty lonely, as that was simply a sign of weakness.

Clover has been an independent witch for almost a year, specializing in potion making (although she does have a good proficiency in spell casting as well). She works from her home, selling potions to whoever may come in, ranging from simple cleansers and health potions to those that would grant the user potential harmful powers (she does not give these ones out easily, however). Her family's expectations still heavily loom over her, so she remains serious no matter what. After all, she has appearances to maintain.

Clover can come across as arrogant and somewhat rude at first meeting. She has very little patience for those who may not be on the same level as her concerning magic, and she has absolutely no patience for babying others. In all honesty, she's actually quite awkward the longer you get to know her, as she has very little social graces to speak of. For all of her practical and academic knowledge, things like pop culture and slang do not come easily to her, and she can be left confused by them. Very easily flustered, and very easily teased. She's extremely driven, despite her newbie position, to become as powerful as she can. On top of that, if you give her reason to be, she will be loyal to a fault. The most unromantic person there is, she actively avoids romantic relationships as she believes that they drag her down.


-Herbal Scents


-Mint Tea

-Head pats (although she will deny it to her grave)


-Being made fun of for her feline features ("They're a trademark of the noble Tulaine family!")

-Artificial Scents

-Fruity Teas



- Making tea is one of the most relaxing things that she will do, due to it being an almost route memory pattern in her head. Sometimes she'll even get so relaxed that she'll start humming as she works.

- When out in public, she can glamor herself so that her ears and tail are not visible to human eyes. Honestly, it's more out of convenience so she doesn't have a bunch of humans gawking at her or thinking she's a "cosplayer" (whatever that is)