


2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Castor, Prince of Illusions




Anthro or Feral (Anthro preferred)





Zodiac / Birthday

Rose Gold Tundra (Feb 25)


Male (He/They)




Masks, sound of ocean waves, receiving gifts, warm nights


Children, being ignored, pink, lowbrow humor, cleaning, competition


Musicals, painting, slam poetry


Valentine's Baby Batch 2022 (Rockstar / Merlin)

The pariah of the Island. He was always eccentric and off-putting, but he was never the same after he ran off to the rest of the world... part of the reason any other children of Aurion are held so closely, and so tightly. 

- Adventurous - Manipulative - Unreliable - Resentful - Arrogant - Debonair - Intuitive - 


Second-Born of Aurion
Born to Aurion and an unknown father, Castor's appearance brings him scrutiny instead of praise. Rose gold horns, mane, and markings on any other aurubi would have granted him a place as a demigod of unity, but on a child of Aurion, it is a mark of what makes him different from her. Growing up, he's seen as lesser than his older brother Rigel, and isn't given a solid role within the island. Paired with Rigel's bullying and Aurion's emotional distance, Castor grows resentful of his brother, and desperate to gain any attention from his mother. 

Leaving the Island
One night, Castor leaves the island, hoping his absence will make his mother see how much she loves him. He spends months exploring the world, hoping to find that a member of the island has been searching for him the whole time. No one has. Desperate to find a place he belongs, he travels to New Camrey, where he hears an aurubi is making a livelihood as a celebrity within a society known as the Burgundy Club.

In New Camrey, Castor meets Rockstar, who takes him in and shows him a good time in the world beyond the island. Rockstar gifts him a mask similar to his own, and Castor wears it with pride. He revels in his new life for years, but grows even more resentful as no one from the island comes to bring him home, even when he finds out that they know he's in New Camrey. 

Return of the Pariah
Castor reaches a boiling point and, after saying his goodbyes to Rockstar, he returns to the Island. He receives a lukewarm welcome from most of the members, and is brushed aside by Aurion and her Stars. He meets Saiph, his sister, and not long after, his other brother Capri, both of whom are much more happily accepted than he ever was despite Capri lacking wings. He remains on the Island with the intent of tearing down his siblings - especially Saiph - in the hopes that he will gain approval from Aurion through destroying her darling daughter's reputation. He does so subtly, knowing that any open attacks would be devastating for him. 

Promethean Storm
As more and more guests arrive on the Island, Castor takes advantage of the stressful situation to push Saiph to her limit, provoking her into attacking him. He breaks a wing in the process, but is healed quickly while Saiph is sent to her room and kept from making public appearances. Even after this, Castor continues to push Saiph, provoking her into attacking him in front of dozens of guests - as well as Rigel and Capri. During the scuffle, both are injured, but Castor's mask is knocked off of him. After the scuffle, Aurion herself arrives, much to Castor's glee. His hopes are dashed as Aurion chastizes Saiph, but openly disowns Castor, denying him as a son and refusing to acknowledge his existence anymore. Rigel capitalizes on Castor's humiliation by crushing his mask underfoot and leaving him alone in his shame. Capri tries to comfort Castor, but he's unable to get through to him.