
2 years, 3 months ago


This is placeholder code until this character gets fully coded!


Full Name Kion
Nicknames/Aliases Content
prounouns he/him
Age (and/or birthday) 24 (june 2)
Species werewolf
Height 5'7
Sexuality aroace
Occupation Farmer ?
Significant Other Vicky & Pax


Kion does not remember his past, his earliest memory is of him running away from home and getting stuck in his beast form. He spent years living in the woods as a 'wild animal' and was near meeting his end due to the lack of resources and survival needs but luckily for him he had ventured close enough to vicky's cottage. She found him unconcious in one of her foraging walks and took him in, aiding him back to health. He did not trust her at first and kept distance, but gave in once she promised to bring him back to normal, how could he refuse that? After days of trial and error, he was finally back to his humanoid form, speaking was a bit difficult after so long but Vicky helped him get the hang of it again eventually. Kion could not imagine his life without her. Which is why he was weary when Pax came to their door seeking refuge, he did not trust zer at all and it took a long time before they could even tolerate being in the same room together, but vicky was confident in making them get along. Once they did they realized they actually have a lot in common and came to care about each other dearly. They all live happily in their cottage, Kion selling the fruits he grows in the nesrby town, Vicky serving as the local medic, and Pax determined to help all the wild life surrounding them.
