
3 years, 5 months ago



Sing once again with me our strange duet
pax Ambrose

Name Pax Ambrose
Age 300+
Alias Embrace
Gender genderqueer
Sexuality demiromantic
Pronouns zey/he/they/any
Role prince
Species vampire

save me from fear and pain
  • They have scars littering zer entire body, but mostly on zer back and most notably the ones on zer face
  • Rarely seen smiling
  • They're hair is naturally like that.
  • Has snake bites, nose bridge and labret piercings
  • His outfit is usually just something lazy but zey enjoy formal goth fashion, of course with the vampiric touch.
  • Zer eyes are actually a deep reddish brown, not completly back
Reference Here

Pax used to be a high status vampire prince, his family being one of the first covens to ever exist. Zey are currently attempting to live a regular life where they can choose who they are and zer future. He lives with his partners Vicky and Kion in Vicky's cottage hidden away deep in the forest, nearly immpossible to find.

Pax is a selective mute, they will only speak when necessary. Everything about them is silent, they're steps and movements, and even when they do speak zer voice is very soft and minimal, jokes about putting a bell on him were very common place among his coven. Due to living most zer life in solitude, only ever seeing the same few people daily, zey are incredibly mistrusting of others. This mistrust only grows after he runs away, as anyone could be out to get zem. Overall he is just a very closed off person and it takes him a lot of trial and error to be able to open up and trust others, even with Vicky, who he himself sought out for refuge.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

there can be no redemption for a sinner such as i

Most vampires have this ability by default. Usually depicted as turning into bats, thats not always the case, in fact, most families have their own signature creature to turn into, though its mostly by choice and not strictly JUST that creature.

In Pax's case, zey prefer to take the form of a barn owl creature most.


Pax's family inherited the power to create powerful illusions, often looking like putting the 'victim' in a deep trance. Usually the crank up the fear aspect to the max and cause the victim to lose their mind with no fix.

Pax uses this power to go under the radar and make everyone believe its not zer they've spotted, if zey ever did get spotted.

'the embrace'

The embrace is what vampires call the ritual of turning humans into vampires. Very few vampires outside of the Ambrose family posses this ability, which is what makes their famiy so important. It is done by drinking all of the victims blood and then feeding them their own vampire blood, only a small amount is needed but it'll mutate the victims body, replacing all functional organs and such with blood. Performing this act on beings other than humans cause result in the birth of a highly unstable monster with a very short lived but excruciating existancce (results may vary if done to a witch/mage, but its better to be safe than sorry).

Pax swore they'd never partake in such act, but it is inevitable if control is lost, as this ability is fueled by intense emotion and hunger when unwilling. This ritual can also be a very intimate one, and is most commonly done when a relationship rises between a vampire and human, in which they'd want to spend eternity together. It can be both a beautiful pact as it can be a truly ugly and shameful thing.


Born into one of the most important vampire families and covens in vampire history, a lot of responsibility and rules were set onto Pax. Zey were to marry and take over the 'family budiness' of creating new vampires, taking a sort of kings role to a new generaion of vampires. Of corese, they did not waant to follow through with the life zer father had planned for him, and after years and years of refusal, it began to garner negative attention for the other covens, and the attempt to cover up the embarrasment they brought to their family, his father isolated him from the outside world, making up stories about the success and achievements Pax was suppossedly bringing them. All the defiance from Pax did lead to a lot of fights between him and his father as well as a lot of passive aggressivenesss and manipulation from their mother. After hearing of the escape of another vampire prodigy they felt inspired to do the same, a sort of impulsive desicion as when they did they did not know where to go or what to do to stay away from the public eye, so zey ended up traveling to various places and finally ending up in a hidden away town in Excien called eclipse village, where many other supernatural beings lived in peace, later finding out the previously mentioned escaped vamp (named vicky) lived near by and was the local medic. Not really trusting easlily zey thought they'd try to get close to them as theyr're the only person he thought would understand zer situation, surprisingly he felt very attached to her very quickly and followed her around a lot, they didnt mind zer silence and zey felt very comfortable and supported around them. For the first time ever he saw himself forming his own future in this small hidden away town.


  • Is not the best at disguising himself when around humans, he'd rather just make everyone believe he looks like one with his illusion abilities.
  • Plays guitar and piano, knows a little bit of violin. Kion taught him guitar and the rest he learned during zer childhood.
  • Quick to anger but good at hiding it (along with most of zer emotions)
  • Believes he"s got insane bad luck due to all the accidents that have happened to him throughout his life, from which most of zer scars come from (the ones on zer face were caused by the multiple fights between them and their father though)
  • Collects any sort of trinket they find. If found in the woods all broken and worn out zey will research how to restore it and spend zer day doing so.
  • Has a thick romanian accent.

you tell me what you want to see
Aesthetic formal goth
Alignment chaotic good
MBTI intp
Sin wrath
Virtue compassion

Designer Laurel
Obtained USD
Status fh
Value $15


Pax thinks very highly of vicky. To him they are the kindest most generous being they've ever met, and zey could not have been any more greatful for her. Zey love her more than anything in the world and is willing to risk everything for them at any given moment.

Pax heard of Vicky's little 'business' through rumors, immediately seeing it as an opportunity to escape his locked away life. What better place to escape to than a cottage in the middle of nowhere that takes in any creatures in need.


Their relationship was a rocky one for sure, due to the both of them being mistrusting of everyone paired up with a bad temper, they clashed a lot before Vicky convinced them to try and get along. After that they noticed they actually had a lot in common and could provide comfort and understanding for each other. Their feelings turn romantic but they never decide to label the relationship, they just do whatever they want without a care.