Zarek d'Angelo



2 years, 6 months ago


Name Zarek d'Angelo

Nickname N/A

Age 23-27

Birthday ---

Gender Male

Nationality American

Height 6'

Orientation Monsterfucker

Occupation Herpetologist

Voice N/A

Worth $25


Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, there’s not much to Zarek regarding his life story. The most that had happened in his life was that his parents divorced while Zarek was around 5 years old. However, the divorce wasn’t a rough one, it was more of a mutual agreement between the two. Zarek lived with his mother for the most part but stayed at his father’s place some weekends or during the summertime. Zarek much preferred to stay at his mother’s, he very much was (and still is) a mama’s boy.

Zarek always loved reptiles as a kid so his being very involved with the science of herpetology isn’t surprising. For one, he would always steal animals (frogs, lizards, etc) from the nearby pond and bring them home. He assumed that these animals were lost and cold, so now they have a place to call home! His mother would always find out and silently set them free whenever he was at school. His love for snakes didn’t pique until he was almost suffocated by a boa constrictor in his sleep. It was their upstairs neighbour’s pet that got loose in the apartment complex and Zarek was the unfortunate one to find it. Fortunately, his mother went to check up on him and managed to call the authorities just in time for him to be saved. Any normal sane person after being almost suffocated by a snake at the age of 8 would be traumatized. Zarek, however, wasn’t traumatized but rather intrigued by it. His fascination with snakes started after the incident. His mother on the other hand… She wasn’t fascinated and was more in shambles. From here until Zarek was 16, she made Zarek sleep in the same room she was in. She eventually let him go back to his room once Zarek managed to convince her he’s 2 years off from being a legal adult…

As for his taste in fashion, Zarek always somewhat liked the grunge/emo aesthetic. At the age of 14, Zarek very much got into a lot of emo bands. He wore whatever his mother would buy him. When the two of them went shopping one day to find clothes for the new school year, Zarek pointed out how he wanted to change his style. His mother was a bit worried because what he wanted was very much… Out there. It’d be harder to make friends if he looks intimidating, but he persisted. His mother supported him in his decision and turned out, that Zarek found his look. Even today, his mother would find cute skull earrings and buy them for Zarek because “it reminded me of you.”

As one can see… He’s very much of a mama’s boy…

"Some people say obsessed with snakes... I think they're cool!"


  • Closed in, dark spaces
  • Makeup
  • Cocktails
  • ---
  • ---

  • Drama
  • Commitment
  • Judgemental people
  • ---
  • ---

Mbti Info

Alignment Info

Temperament Info

Enneagram Info

Sin Sloth

Element Info

Tarot Info



  • Zarek has a few tattoos of his favourite reptiles. His first one being, and his favourite, a snake warped around his left forearm, another being an iguana crawling on his right shoulder, and lastly, his most recent tattoo, is a crocodile crawling around on his back. He would love to have more tattoos in the future.
  • Has a collection of exotic creatures living at his place. Zarek has 3 snakes (Medusa, Naga, and Severus), 2 lizards (Xerxes and Irena), and a turtle (Achilles). He talks to his animals a lot, even going as far as giving them distinct voices. He talks about his pets, like how a proud dad would be with his kids. His first snake (Severus) most certainly has Zarek’s heart and spoils him a lot. His favourite spot to be at is on Zarek’s shoulders/neck.
  • Despite his ‘edgy’ look, he's very friendly. He shares both traits of extroverted and introverted, making him an ambivert. Though, he expresses more on the introverted side. Zarek likes going to parties, but half of the time he just observes the people around him. He’s easy to make conversation with.
  • One of Zarek’s supporters is his mother. His mother is always super supportive of her son and his sense of style, hair, career, etcetera. She’s the type of mother to see a skull or snake necklace and buys it for her son because it reminded her of him. Genuinely doesn’t care what he’s into and doesn’t judge, the most she wants from him is to be friendly to others and to make friends. Zarek isn’t even embarrassed, he feels blessed to have a wonderful mother.

I fuck with this dude. Haha... Not literally. But, Luca is pretty fun. Energetic and easy to talk to. He really knows how to keep a conversation going. After knowing him for a short time, it feels like we've been friends for years.

Arien is... A bit of a stick-in-the-mud ahaha. He's always moody... Is he always like that? I try to be friendly towards him, because he's my friend's close friend! But, it doesn't seem he's all interested in me... Did I do something wrong?