Luca Viola



2 years, 6 months ago


This profile contains dark themes: Nihilistic mindset, abuse, cannabis usage, slight suicide mention, and self-harming.
Viewer discretion advised.

Name Luca Viola

Nickname N/A

Age 22-26

Birthday ---

Gender Male

Nationality Canadian

Height 5'11"

Orientation Bi-Curious

Occupation Tattoo Artist

Worth $$$


A teacher’s pet is the best way to describe Luca. Hardworking, intelligent, charming; Luca is a man with talent, looks and intelligence. At the start of high school, Luca was homeroom representative, which eventually led him to be elected for ASB President when his peers convinced him to run for it. Luca is a very charismatic gentleman who will talk to everyone and anyone. He’s the type who knows everyone’s names in his school and will offer help whenever he’s wanted. If needed, he will stay overtime at the school helping set up club events, cleaning classrooms, and sporting events. Luca seems like the ideal type of student; a lot of people envied him or said that he was annoying, while others students adored him.

Considering this was a public high school, there would be times where the issues with bullying and drugs arise. Luca always stepped in whenever there was a physical fight or verbal, not wanting his dear students to be hurt. Usually, the fight would die down considering Luca is the principal's dog, but other times the fight would still continue on, resulting in Luca to take action. The party who initiated the fights could never defend themselves because the teachers instantly believed Luca. It’s extremely easy for Luca to manipulate the teachers and blackmail students… But Luca is not that type of person; he genuinely wants the best for everyone. However, a lot of students saw him as manipulate which resulted him getting some hate.

Luca joins the welcoming committee in his second year to aid new students in navigating the campus. While helping out with the welcome committee, he was partnered up with a boy named Arien. When the two of them first met, Luca dominated the conversation and continued to go off about the school, clubs, and social clique that Arien might be interested in (even though Arien couldn’t even say two words-). Whether Arien liked Luca or not, he’s not given much of an option because Luca would always walk, eat and escort him to class. Surprisingly, Arien never called him out on it. Even if Luca was always there, giving Arien no room to breathe, Arien never seemed to care. Fortunately for Arien, he eventually managed to spur out a few words so Luca knows this isn’t a one-way conversation. The two of them started to bond when Luca realized that Arien was an artist; Luca’s speciality.

Fast forwarding to university, the two boys are still close friends and talk regularly. Luca’s still the same as ever, which helped Arien get out of his introverted shell; somewhat, at least. Now, Luca is the club president of the Art club and works part time at a tattoo parlor. Extremely talented at what he does and has so much to show for.

"Nothing in life matters, why stress?"


  • Abstract Paintings
  • Trashy Slasher Movies
  • Cocktails
  • Seafood

  • Cats and Dogs
  • Boring Parties
  • Social Norms
  • His Mother


Alignment Chaotic Netural

Scent Floral

Flower Bleeding Heart

Sin Sloth

Season Spring

Tarot Hanged Man

Music Industrial Rock



  • Luca is by definition a nihilist, an active nihilist to be exact. While Luca does believe nothing in life matters, people only live once, so why make it boring? He's extremely reckless about himself and never seems to show fear. When he no longer derives enjoyment or value from life, he will quietly end his life. He doesn't want to be around anyone nor wants anyone to see him after he's dead. He's not depressed, this is how he values life. Luca doesn't have any future plans, because he believes he'll be dead before 30. It's getting to the point where he's starting to lose interest with life, but doesn't want to end it all just yet.
  • It’s extremely hard to make Luca upset. Any sort of rude remark or someone cursing him out, Luca would straight up laugh. It’s not even a sarcastic, snarky laugh; it’s a purely genuine laugh. Almost always gets into dangerous spots because he doesn’t care about being made fun of. If someone had blackmail on him, Luca would be the first one to confess. Truly does not give a flying fuck what others thinks of him. Luckily, Luca has Arien to help get him out of any situation--
  • Prefers to work with water coloring geometric tattoos more than blackwork or hyper-realistic portraits/animals. He’s pretty flexible and is able to produce great outcomes outside of his comfort zone, but his work thrives when it comes to watercolors. He’d have more fun during the process of it.
  • Speaking of tattoos, Luca doesn’t have too many of them. He only has one water colored tattoo of a hummingbird and a bleeding heart near his right shoulder. It’s one of his favourite animals and favourite flower.
  • Extremely hypocritical. Back in high school, he would actively voice his opinion against the usage of drugs. He would go out of his way to stop others from doing drugs/weed/smokes, and would snitch and tell teachers about it after issuing warnings. It wasn't until 11th grade where he hit rock bottom in his personal life and turned to weed. Has somewhat of an unhealthy connection with weed ever since late 11th / early 12th grade and cannot go a day without it.
  • If someone were to take their life, Luca wouldn't see much of a reason on stopping them. They didn't ask to be born into this world nor asked to have these responsibilities, so why not? Good on them if they backed down, he guess. But, he doesn't really see an issue with people taking their life as people make it out to be. For Luca, he'd continue to live on until he gets bored or if an accident happens. He wouldn't fight for his life, he'd just accept it.
  • There is a bandage wrapped around Luca's right arm. Luca claims it's a fashion statement, but in all seriousness, he got into a fight with his mother once, and for talking back, his mother's punished him by pouring boiled water on his arm. Ever since that day, he's had a pure hatred for his mother.
  • Luca has two older brother. Luca adores them a lot, but would never actively say it. Though, he felt as if their relationship is strained because of his mother's favouritism. It was clear he was the black sheep in his mother's eyes.

Cool ass motherfuckaaaa. Someone I can smoke weed with. Zarek is adorable. He always talks about his mother and how he's a momma's boy. I can't relate, but it's cute to hear him ramble about it. Sorry for not being honest about myself.

Heh... I honestly didn't think our relationship would last long. After you went off to college, I thought it was over because you would have found someone better. Don't get attached to me. Please. It'd only be harder for you.