彩人 康平 !!



2 years, 3 months ago


彩人 康平 !!

Report Card

name kouhei saito
dob 28 june・19
nationality japanese
blood type AB-
weight 62kg
height 5'7
Gender demigender・he/they
orient. pansexual ( )



kouhei is naturally quieter than others, yet that has been prevalent since their younger days. they don't feel held back by their silent nature; it is instead a natural reaction. it tends to push him back socially, but given time and care, kouhei will open up more to the right people. he is often blunt, but not unaware of this bluntness. he tends to linger on the past too, and will often hold grudges for longer than he probably should. a rather secretive person, kouhei doesn't like being pushed or interrogated. given the right - or rather wrong - actions from another, they can act with apprehension if he feels their privacy is being invaded, and tends to get quieter around those they do not trust. they are not the best at concealing secrets however, and don't fully grasp how to be discreet. kouhei can often freeze up at stress. sometimes they appear as aloof, and sometimes they act as if in accordance to rules. for both of these reactions, kouhei has his reasons. he's not one to reveal them to strangers however, and had it been his way, many less people would know of him further than an artist. even with these mannerisms, kouhei cares for people around them and their wellbeing as equal to his, with the exception of strong friendships or rivalries. he does stand up for himself and others if absolutely needed, even if soft spoken. they aren't quite selfless, and don't see problems outside of their small bubble, but when that barrier is broken, they'll hold a deep love for that person; one that tears down his selfishness.

kouhei does not necessarily have a reputation for being the most understood. it is not something he is fully aware of, however, so sometimes his emotions may be unrecognizable. nonetheless, their happiness tends to be calm, even in the most overwhelming positivity. their laughs are rather breathy, and soft- even when he is bursting with laughter.

unhappiness is another that kouhei does not fully understand. given overwhelming situations, their mood can switch from disappointment to anger rather quickly, and given his inability to control said emotions, they can quickly become enraged. their unspoken rule of avoiding contractions in his speaking is often thrown out the window - a genuine sign he's deeply distressed. not many things leave them to that point, however, and he tends to stick with irritation with minor mishaps.


  • video game soundtracks
  • mechanical pencils
  • his personal sketchbook
  • sticky notes
  • park walks


  • icebreaker games
  • limitations
  • constant questioning
  • public speeches
  • slow internet


  • kouhei is not meant to have any caffeine or alcohol. despite the warnings, they will have tea every now and then. if you ask him about it, he'll say it's an intolerance.
  • he loves anime and video games. he'll immediately jump into conversation about it when he gets the chance.
  • kouhei is quite inquisitive! sometimes it's rather invasive, however - it would be best to tell off this behaviour.
  • they tend to talk differently dependant on different factors, as well as unnecessarily go into detail. he does not like to use contractions, either.
  • kouhei absolutely adores christmas! he's the type to listen to christmas music in november.


mother ???
father ???
caregiver ???
??? ???
  • kouhei grew up in an orphanage. his mother [???]
  • ???
  • ???
  • after [???], kouhei gained more independence! he still relies on his caregiver at the orphanage for a lot of personal responsibilities, but they're on the road to being fully independent and are proud of how far he's come.