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Hey, i don’t really have a specific starting price for them rn!!  All i can tell is that the original price for one is 20usd

And yes i can ping ^^

Hello! I just wanted to ask if this is still open?

If it is, I'd like to possibly offer 2 detailed fulbodies, and a detailed halfbody? I could add a small comic in as well. I actually don't have a lot of characters but I could add if needed.

I don't really know your limits so I'd like to message you later about it if you decide :)


Flat color comic example


Offer: i can offer anyone from my toyhouse besides the WIP folder and the cutie patooties folder !!!

Gender: honestly anything that works !!!

Idea: i absolutely love anything complex with this elegant aesthetic of yours like this ?? its so gorgeous

if no one interested you , can also offer art and customs !! <333

Gender: Androgyny-Male presenting

Idea: I’d love some sort of ‘internet evil virus’ maybe in all white palette with neon/bright blue accents sci fi - ish looking I've created this pinterest board

I offer anyone in here or here

If no one caught your eyes I can also offer art, custom and ac

Ah! I can’t see your pinterest board :’ )!

btw i liked them : D 

Edited the board! I can do either one! Maybe both if you can do like extra art a bust or an icon👉👈

Ty for the pics! And sure sure can absolutely do that : DD!!! I’ll start asap

TY Looking forward to your amazing design :’D

Aaah I started, tell me if you want to change anything before i get it rendered! : D

5 Replies

Do u see anyone besides „aaa” ?

hi!! i can offer anyone in my th or anyone in idia :)

could i possibly pm you on amino or here w/ the idea? if u happen to see anyone ofc :3

Still interested into Narko 👉👈

def do them :thumbs_up: dshhgdg could i pm on amino possibly ?

Yes yes!! : D


Offer: I can offer maybe a fullbody or custom, or someone in here

Gender: Male

Idea: (human/oid) Something rainbow, kidcore maybe? fde009ab2fb5dac431862abc5e32a6fd.jpg41ff0f381ddb88c725db1bc3cceefdda.jpgefc85aed609c766bcf349e46bfa43ca1.jpgI'd prefer the pallete to be based off the last 2 pictures (bright colors if you get what I mean)

Aa a fullbody will do i love your art! Can you draw him?:

I'll try to start really soon! : ]

Sure! tysm!

Hi! Just letting you know that my part is ready :) lmk when to send it!

Ah, so cool!you can send it after i finish my part, Im putting you into my priority! starting soon : D

Alr! take your time!

hey tell me if you want to change anything before i get it rendered! ^^ (its a dog gummy worm humanoid thing btw)

AWW OMG IT'S SO CUTE I LOVE IT!!! It's perfect!

Hi it’s done and pending! 

hope you like it! :’ D

TYSM!! I LOVE THEM!!! sent the art!

Glad you like it! And tysm!! : D

Offer: someone from my th ( i could add )

Gender: female

Idea: a goat humanoid ( something similar to my boy Matt ) with white hair and colored strips in her hair, her clothes would be similar clothes to this 1 2 , she would have bigger horns ( similar to Matt.. tho bigger ), she would have heterochromia.