Prince Joffrey III



2 years, 6 months ago


A Journey - Dream of flight
Joe Hisaishi

Name Joffrey Vindvane III
Called Joffrey/Prince
Age 20
Species Skiploom
Gender Male
Type(s) Grass/Flying
Occupation Royal envoy/Prince
Height 1,65m | 5'4.96
Sexuality ???
Romanticism Demi-romantic

Synthesis | GrassGiga Drain | Grass

Aromatherapy | GrassAcrobatics | Flying
Ability Leaf Guard

Prevents the bearer from succumbing to major status ailments (sleep, burns, poisoning, paralysis or freezing) during sunny weather.

Prince Joffrey is, above all, cautious. No measure should be taken unless it is certain that he has escape routes planned, and a proper plan devised. Second of all, he is a tad too serious for his own good, despite not intending to ruin other people's fun. It's like he lacks the funny bone necessary to process most types of humor, and it is difficult for him to genuinely laugh over jokes most of the time - he is more of the guy who overanalyzes them and spoils the mood. Nonetheless, Joffrey is a steadfast pokemon by nature - he defends his ideals to the very end and will stand for his word. Once he's sworn his loyalty to you, know that he will be there for you in a time of need, and reciprocity is likewise expected.

Perhaps due to his expectations towards pokemon, the prince can be quite resentful. Being treated unfairly or having any dirt put under his name would surely have him bear a grudge towards you to the very end. It would be hard for him to forgive, albeit not impossible. His lack of experience in life can often cause him to act a tad too naive since all he knew before this adventure was the castle's walls and its surroundings. Both when it comes to his appearance and just about everything he does, Prince is very fastidious and makes sure that his outer image reflects that of an envoy sent to represent a lineage and start a country. Under the surface, however, Joffrey experiences occasional spikes of anxiety due to the amount of pressure he exerts upon himself. He is self-conscious about his lack of physical prowess and his dependence on his partner when it comes to brawn. This drive to care for others is what pushes him forward in his search for allies in his quest. At the end of the day, Joffrey is, and will always be, a reliable ally you can count on. Maybe even a friend.

Outgoing Reserved
Optimistic Pessimistic
Polite Blunt
Intelligent Dense
Sensitive Thick-skinned
Brave Timid
Strategic Impulsive
Sincere Deceptive
Easygoing Hotheaded
Humble Arrogant
Emotional Logical
Affectionate Distant

Character History

The departure

"As the wind rises, it carries our kin into the unknown. To marvel upon the world's wonders, to tame the wild tides which sustain our people, and take us to the sky in search of new land. That is the way of the Vindvane - the creed by which my father has led his life, and that I now pass onto you, my son, to continue our legacy. May the wind be with you."

Those were the last words Joffrey had heard from his father since he embarked on a sailboat with his royal guard, Shasta. The scripted speech was not new to him - he had heard it twice before when his two older brothers embarked on their journeys, two years prior. Yet, his heart raced just as it did the first time. Curiosity, fear, and the desire to finally fulfill his life's purpose were right at his fingertips, upon grasping reach. The opportunity he's looked forward to the most ever since he began to learn the royal code, ever since he was able to hold a quill, had arrived. As his hometown disappeared on the horizon, with the course set to Navon island, he couldn't help but reminisce about what he's been taught thus far.

- Remember - the perfect island must have good, flowing wind, and be abundant in waterways and resources.

- It is desirable for it to have high terrain, in case war proves necessary.

- It is essential to you, as envoy, to make use of your persuasion skills and gather as many followers as you can, for those will be the ones to first populate your kingdom. Choose them wisely.

His mental checklist continued to go over each priority, on a cycle. It was his duty as a prince, to find the perfect new land in which to establish a flourishing kingdom. His fingers trailed the sepia map, several thoughts in his mind followed ink to the paper. Quill in hand, he noted down areas of interest he'd set course to once in Navon. There was so much he hadn't seen yet, that all still felt like a foggy dream. The merchant's guild undoubtedly piqued his interest for their exploratory nature, he knew it was the right way to go in order to start his journey. The coalition whose name he had only heard in old shanties would certainly guide him in the path to a brighter future, or so he thought. Wisdom is power, and Joffrey would see as much as he could of the world to make sure he'll make the right choice to settle when the time comes.

Once his chores were done, night had already fallen. Several sailing books were left open and marked in his room as he headed to the small kitchen, where Shasta awaited him with their meal. They talked about the good weather, and how much they'd miss the sight of windmills.

"It'll be my first construction." The prince said, determined. "I will build a windmill."

"That's the spirit." Shasta chuckled, taking a generous bite out of his fish dinner. "Once we port, we can begin the real journey."

"... the Merchants Guild." The prince said, thoughtful. "No matter how I looked at it, it was the most efficient way. They may have valuable intel."

"We should expand our crew while there... and our boat. This ol' girl won't carry more than four pokemon at best."

"Our objective is clear." Prince finished his wine, wiping his mouth elegantly. "We will stay at Navon for a month, then set sail once we've gathered more crew and a proper vessel."

"Sounds good. I heard Navon is really good at this time of the year. When you close your eyes and listen, the fields sing."

Prince derailed in thought. How was that... possible? Was it... some sort of metaphor?

Whichever the answer, his dreams were full of singing fields that night.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


  • Prince’s body is so lightweight that a strong gust of wind can take him off the ground. He wears weights under his clothes so that won’t happen.
  • When he wants to get by faster, he takes off his weights and flies with the help of a yellow umbrella.
  • He keeps a journal of his adventures because sometimes his memory can deceive him.
  • He's a bit of a picky eater. Does not like vegetables, but knows they're good for him. It won't make him any less grumpy eating them, though.

Camellia Vindvane


Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Joffrey has always been a mama's boy growing up. He holds great respect for her, often coming to her first over his father for advice. He used to hide behind her skirt a lot when he was little.

Andreas Vindvane II


Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Despite Joffrey having an overall good relationship with his father, he feels heavy pressure on his shoulders when it comes to his expectations. He's always had a more distant and somewhat even mysterious personality, and although Joffrey knows him to a degree, he's never grown out of the uncomfortable sensation that he can't know what to expect from him entirely. This was intentional on the king's part - his children are raised for the world, after all - not to stay under his wing.

Adenia Vindvane

Deni • Sister

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

When Deni was born, Joffrey was still a small child, so the two naturally grew the closest from the siblings because all of his other brothers were older and distant by then. She's the only family member whom Joffrey has given an affectionate nickname. Though not usually his style, the two have a friendly sibling banter relationship, often tugging on each other's tails. She more than once has put him in embarrassing situations, to which he retaliates in his own way. She was a chikorita the last he saw her - it was the most difficult goodbye for him.

Shasta Goodwill

Shasta • My guard

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Joffrey has known Shasta for 10 years now, he is his closest and best friend. He couldn't have asked for a more competent guard, counselor and friend - even if he can be a little annoying or frustrating at times. The thing is, Joffrey thinks too much about everything - and Shasta is almost like a polar opposite to him. It's mostly when it comes to harmless yet embarrassing things, like playing in a ballpit. Usually, though, Shasta is right and pushing his stubborn bum in the right direction, so Joffrey really trusts whatever his guard puts him through - even if he will be grumbling and disgruntled through all of it.

Edward Crowley

Edward • Ed • My butler

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Joffrey has great respect for Edward - he feels incredibly fortunate to have recruited someone as competent as him in a time of need. Calling Ed a butler would be undermining his true significance in the crew - he helps upkeep Joffrey's schedule, cleaning, and doubles as counselor. Joffrey is glad to be able to call him a friend, and often seeks his advice before taking important decisions.

Joel Kever

Joey • Shasta's rookie

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Joffrey appreciate the rookie's efforts when it comes to swearing his loyalty to him, though he thinks sometimes he can overwork himself a little too much. He worries about Joey's impulsiveness and how that could possibly harm him, and is always keeping an eye on him to make sure he's not getting into any trouble. His personality is more fit for Shasta than him - it's no wonder the two are inseparable.

Yeal Seagal

Yeal • "God not her again"

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Their families are business partners, so Joffrey begrudingly remembers joining diplomacy dinners with Yael since they were around the same age. He wished he wouldn't have met her again in the Merchant's guild, or so it's what he would say. They are much like siblings, and Joffrey ends up being an easy target for teasing. Frenemies would be a good way to put it.



Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

For some reason unbeknownst to him, Joffrey and Alexandre keep getting themselves into awkward situations where they have to interact with each other. Both are horrid at small talk, have difficulty extending most topics of conversation, and tend to be straight to the point with their answers. It's uncomfortable for both and they mostly hope someone else will come and interrupt the encounter whenever it happens...