Shasta Goodwill



2 years, 3 months ago


Pokemon Sword and Shield

Name Shasta Goodwill
Called Shasta
Age 24
Species Scizor
Gender Male
Type(s) Bug/Steel
Occupation Royal guard
Height 1,80m | 5'91"
Sexuality Homosexual
Romanticism Homoromantic

X-Scissor | BugMetal Claw | Steel

Night slash | DarkSwords dance | Normal
Ability Technician

Technician increases the power of moves - that are usually base power 60 or below - by 50%.

Since young, Shasta has always been an easy-going pokemon. He doesn’t offend easily, nor is it common for him to lose his temper. Granted, he has the talent of keeping his cool even in a dire situation. This trait goes to the point of becoming a flaw since he closes up his emotions to not worry those he cares about. He’s always been very frugal and modest, as he was born in a humble home with many siblings, being mostly ignorant due to his lack of proper education. All he has on his belt are street smarts he’s been taught since young - he’s illiterate literally and figuratively. His memory is quite good, whatsoever.

He’s been taught the knight code ever since young, which has made him develop a strong loyalty towards the royal family. He is dutiful and, for most knights, it can be said he is too much of a softie for the job. Shasta is easily swayed by children and sob stories, and it’s not easy for him to kill. If the situation proves necessary, however, he’s still respectful, as he is with just about anyone he comes across.

He is very fashionable and always takes care of his beard and hair, being quite good at the art of hairdressing. With big men come big appetites, and Shasta is no different - he is a big glutton and an all-you-can-eat buffet’s worst enemy. He can ration when needed, but the second he can eat a lot, he will.

Outgoing Reserved
Optimistic Pessimistic
Polite Blunt
Intelligent Dense
Sensitive Thick-skinned
Brave Timid
Strategic Impulsive
Sincere Deceptive
Easygoing Hotheaded
Humble Arrogant
Emotional Logical
Affectionate Distant

Character History

The departure

Today was the day. Shasta would embark alongside the prince on his quest for new land and leave his family behind. As the eldest, his younger siblings were having a hard time dealing with it. Shasta has always been there for them - he taught them how to fly, babysat them in his free time, and played games like few of his other siblings were willing to. There were a total of 8 siblings, the 5 eldest had taken the reigns of work since young to help the family, even more so after their parents passed away. They were often tired from construction work or braving the desert to trade goods with neighboring towns. Living amidst the sand and the sun has never been easy, though the oasis had flourished more vibrantly once the royal family had made it their home.

The stories of their upbringings were long-dated - how Calendon's ancestors have always been their right-hand men, knights, and court counselors alike. When kyogre had forsaken their land and the great drought took place, the king had ensured no one would go without water, and Shasta remembered these stories with awe. He and Prince's friendship was long dated - he's met him when they were both teenagers after a mischievous scyther had climbed the walls of the palace on a dare, falling to the wrong side. Ever since their friendship only grew, and after arduous training, Shasta became a knight. He would continue his journey by his side, yet he felt thorn for the first time in his life.

Watching his hometown disappear as they sailed, a wistful smile traced the scyther's features. There was no turning back from the path he's chosen, he was comfortable with this. Yet, it was akin to molting - to watch part of him be left behind, to make room for a new self, for a different life. The core remained, as did his memories and the sad thought things will never be as they once were, with no certainty to what's lying ahead of them. It was both freeing and nostalgic, for he finally had the liberty to seek his own goals with no shackles.

He'd just have to figure out which ones those were on the way.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

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  • Shasta is a big fan of spicy food.
  • He used to hate snow, but it's alright now. His teeth are still sensitive to cold foods.
  • Knows Joffrey better than himself, probably.
  • He likes to prune bushes whenever he has the time as a hobby.



Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Shasta's mother was his strongest parental figure growing up. He was the one who took care of her when she grew progressively sicker, until her premature death when he was 10 years old. It was a very difficult time for him, and there's nothing he would love more than to see her face and to hear her voice one more time.



Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Shasta doesn't remember a whole lot from his father, having lost him a few months before his mother's passing. When he was working at the oasis, he usually stayed behind to look after his mom and 6 little siblings. The few memories he has are of him being intimidated by his tall stature, his voice - even his presence. He felt a lot of pressure as eldest that only grew the older he became.


Saphyr • Brother

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Shasta had to deal with a lot of frustration from living with his brother. As second eldest, he was the closest to their father and never got over the fact he died in the palace during construction work. He's always blamed the royal family for what happened, and Shasta's relation them has caused an irreparable rift in their relationship. Saphyr belittled him often when they were under the same roof, what made Shasta get used to treating his voice like white noise.

Joffrey Vindvane

My prince • Your highness • Joffrey

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

In these ten years they've been friends, Shasta got to see many layers of Joffrey. He's seen his flaws, he's seen his heart, and can wholeheartedly say he has sworn his life and loyalty to be alongside the right guy. Going on a journey with him has been the most freeing experience the bug's ever had, and he would have it no other way. He is happy he get to find out more about himself alongside his best friend.

Edward Crowley

Ed • Athos

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Shasta and Edward are what you could call "unlikely friends". Edward wouldn't have sought any closeness with someone like Shasta, had it not been for the fact they were a crew of 3 at the time he joined. Both can agree they are glad they got to know each other better, because the two are very jolly friends nowadays. Edward taught Shasta how to read, and he really likes when he reads to him and Joey before bed. They are "the three musketeers", as he calls it.

Joel Kever

Joey • My boy

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Shasta did not expect for a little ledyba to latch onto him the first time he went to buggy woods, but he has a rookie now. It didn't take long for them to grow closer - Shasta grew a lot of love for the boy. He reminded him of his little siblings he had to leave back at home. He doesn't consider himself a good teacher, but he really puts in the effort so that Joey can learn something from him.


Orion • Lil buddy

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Shasta loves hanging out with his lil bug bro, he always has a pep in his step and a tune in his flute. In fact, it often feels as though he never thinks too much about anything - something he can relate to when off duty. The two of them can eat so much - only to be expected from a caterpillar and a grasshopper. They were made to consume.


Kai • Weed

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

They're both idiots. Neither know how this "frenemies" thing started exactly - it was probably Kai saying something rude, then Shasta gives him a comeback, and it goes on. They literally bicker every time they are together, be it alone or around others, very childishly so. They spar sometimes, so far it's been pretty even. It's a pretty sibling-like rivalry kind of deal.

Clay Flintstone

Clay • "Man, he won't let go..."

Well Known Strangers
Fond Of Indifferent
Trusted Sceptical
Likeminded Frustrating
Comfortable Insecure
Respected Disregarded

Dealing with Clay is very frustrating for Shasta because he's not comfortable with the type of closeness the taller man often pushes onto him, but is also polite and doesn't want to be rude. He knows he is coldblooded, so when he wants to cuddle up to him in a cold night, he's not going to throw a fit over it. But he's not happy being called "cuddlebug", not many other of his affectionate flirtatious nicknames, because it really gives people the wrong impression. He loses a few years of his life whenever someone assumes they are dating - please, do not. It's the kind of frustration that builds up.