
2 years, 3 months ago




Hatsuru is a retired pro hero. She currently works as a hairdresser in her neighborhood, living with her twin children and nephew. She’s the daughter of a former top hero, and is a UA graduate! She is a close family friend of the Todoroki family, often visiting their home with her kids for family game nights or dinner! Suru is an amputee, having lost her leg in an accident while on patrol, and almost lost her life.

Suru’s quirk, Size, allows her to alter the size of any item she touches with the palm of her hand. To activate her quirk, her palms must be hot. Usually, Suru will rub her hands together to create friction, which generates heat. When she doesn’t plan on using her quirk, she tries to wear a special set of fingerless gloves as a form of prevention in case it accidentally activates. Her quirk will activate in high-stress situations, or anytime her palms are sweaty; ie, they’re hot without her manually making them so. She can alter the size of herself and other people, but only for an hour at max. She must retain a high level of focus in order to keep her targets and herself shrunk/enlarged, but doing so for too long will cause intense migraines and vertigo.


Height 4'3" (130cm)

Build Petite

Demeanor Apathetic

Style Tired

Notes & Trivia

  • Obviously, she is an apmutee. Her left leg is missing from her lower thigh down.
  • She has a tooth gap between her two front teeth! She refused to get braces as a teenager.
  • Her voice is gravely, and she has a slight lisp! She slurs her words sometimes, even when she's completely sober.
  • She has a scar across her right cheek, which was the result of a very large gash on her face from her accident.
  • She refuses to dress cute. She doesn't see a point in it, unless it's for a special occasion, like a date night or something.


Being a Mom

Suru likes to think that she's an excellent mother, which her own mother corroborates. She's rasing her kids right. Both of them are veyr helpful, and understand that their mommy is in pain a lot.


She's an okay cook, she had to adopt the skill when she had her kids. She used to suck, as she'd never cooked for herself really before then, but now she's pretty good!

Hero Work (Previously)

For the short few years she was active, she was a damn good hero. She was stealthy, and deceptively strong. Many of her teachers weren't surprised that she was trained by the best.


Hatsuru is very smart. She graduated at the top of her class for a reason! She studied her butt of in school.

Attack 60%
Defense 30%
Quirk 80%
Resistance 60%
Agility 90%
Stamina 70%
Strategy 50%
Luck 60%



Hatsuru, “Suru,” was an oops baby. Her parents were both well above the average age for having a kid when she was born, so she was always a little spoiled by her parents. Her father was a pro hero called Jeveil, though named Dayo Emiko, a hero who could shoot objects away with just a touch. Her mother, Hatari Takeyama, is a quiet and reserved woman, Suru got most of her personality from her dad. Suru has an older sister, Naoki, who’s 16 years older than her. Naoki loved her baby sister, up until she grew up. Suru developed somewhat of a carefree personality, she’s lazy and likes to party without repercussions. Almost everything that Suru does she does without thinking, and she’s reckless. This is what her father saw would make her a great hero one day, and he started training her to the best of his ability. Suru was really close to her dad, he was her best friend throughout her childhood because she didn’t really see a point in other friends. Then one day, when Suru was 14 and had just put in her application to the school of her father’s choosing, her father was tragically killed in a bomb threat while saving a family of four. This destroyed Suru, along with her mother. Naoki was already married and had a son, but she was heartbroken as well. Suru almost didn’t go to take the entrance exam, she was so lost without her dad and she didn’t know what to do, but she eventually decided to become a hero to take his place, which is where she drew her hero name from. Javy. A shortened version of her father’s hero name, the name of a bright and up and coming heroine here to build a brighter future!

The Guy

Suru graduated from U.A. with top marks and went full throttle into hero work afterwards. She was helping civilians left and right, stopping villains and petty thieves. She was very happy doing the work her father did and was now supporting her mom with her earnings. Suru moved out and got her own place near her mother so she would still be close, but also independent and her own person. She was living the dream! When she was 19, she went out with a group of some of her buddies to get plastered as a treat for a hard working week one night. Suru got tipsy, and decided that she wanted to bring a guy home with her. At this point, she was still figuring out her sexuality, so she wanted to experiment as much as possible. She approached a man at the bar, they fooled around, and eventually she took him to her apartment to have some fun. The next morning he left with saying very little, and that was it. Weeks later, Suru fell very ill and it was discovered that she was pregnant. She knew they were that man’s kids, as she hadn’t had time to go out since then. It put a temporary damper on her hero career, but it never occurred to her to terminate the pregnancy. When she had her twins, she instantly fell in love with them. She named her daughter Aiko, and her son Dayo; after her late father.

The Accident

When her kids were around 3, Suru was making her usual rounds one day, and got an alert for a bomb threat downtown. She rushed over, and was on the scene in less than a minute, being the first to arrive. She didn’t take the time to evaluate the situation, and ran in without thinking to save the hostages while shrinking so as to not alert the bomber. The cops showed up just as she was getting the first of the hostages out, a mother and her young toddler. The police startled the bomber, who subsequently caused the bomb to go off. The building erupted into flames and rubble, with most of the people nearby not surviving the initial impact. Everyone in the building died… except Javy. She was thrown under a support beam which then collapsed on her, pinning her to the ground and cutting off the circulation to anything below her waist. She thought for certain she was going to die. She was left alone there for what seemed like hours until she heard someone a few floors away. She screamed, and screamed until she felt like her lungs would collapse just like the building. The pro hero Endeavor was there and ran over to help. He attempted to lift the support beam but found it was too stuck in place as the building was falling apart. He stayed with her until the paramedics arrived, and held her in his arms and kept her talking, to keep her alive. Paramedics arrived, and determined her leg from the knee down had to be amputated on the scene in order to safely get the rest of her out. Suru felt immediate relief as she was pulled from the scene, carried by Endeavor. She cried, “Don’t let me die, please Uncle Enji,” as she blacked out in the helicopter.

At the hospital, the amputation was successfully completed and all seemed to be well for a few days. However, her leg became infected after the skin and muscle grafts didn’t take and she ended up having to have more of her leg cut off, leaving only ¾ of her thigh remaining. Those grafts did take, and she made a full recovery. While in the hospital ,she obviously wasn’t able to take care of her kids, so they were being looked after by a family friend; Fuyumi Todoroki. The Emikos and Todorokis grew up close, as Suru’s father was a mentor of Endeavor’s, so their kids were raised as friends. Dayo’s dying wish was for Enji to watch after Hatsuru, so that’s what he did. It impacted him heavily, saving her from that building, as she was like a daughter to him. Suru grew up with Touya and Fuyumi, being in the same class as the latter most of middle school. They drifted apart in high school, but had reconnected once Suru had her kids and began taking them to the school Fuyumi taught at for daycare. On her first visit to the hospital, without Suru’s kids, Fuyumi rushed in to see Suru after her first (of many) major surgery, and ran in frantically. She held Suru close to her, and the tension broke when the two kissed. It was magical!


Shortly after being discharged (almost 2 months later,) Suru became severely depressed. She resented her accident, and whatever deity let such an awful thing happen to her. It posed an end to her hero career for the time being. “Pro Hero Javy severely wounded after encounter with bomber,” “Endeavor saves Javy from certain death in the midst of a villain!” “Will Javy ever be able to be a hero again?” was all she ever saw on the T.V. anymore. Eventually she agreed to do some interviews on national television, after regaining the ability to walk with a prosthetic and crutches. At this point, no one publicly had known the extent of her injuries until she showed them during the interview. This shocked the public, as she still had a smile plastered across her face, at least until she could walk on her own again. No one knew what was going on with her emotionally. No one knew she was dating Endeavor’s daughter, either.

Currently, Suru lives with her nephew and kids in an apartment complex near UA. Her sister’s son, Hashi, came to live with her because he was planning to attend UA and his mother didn’t approve. She knew Suru was a graduate, and she would be able to keep an eye on him, so she allowed him to take the entrance exam on the condition that if he was accepted that he’d live with her. Even though Hashi is supposed to be living in the dorms, Suru was able to convince administration that he should still be able to live with her due to the fact that she lives close enough to the dorms, and her hero training. They accepted, and Hashi is the only 1A student to not live in the dorms.

Current Events

In the beginning of the series, Suru has just gotten healed enough to be able to use a prosthetic without crutches, therefore hero work has been out of the question. As of current events Suru has come out of retirement to try to fight in the war, however was laughed away due to her lack of preparedness and the extent of her injuries.



Aiko Emiko



Aiko is the eldest of Suru’s two kids. Suru adores her children, how could she not? Aiko is very protective over her mother, since Suru and the other adults ingrained it in her that her mommy isn’t like other people, she’s fragile. Aiko will insist on getting household items for her mother, like the TV remote or her phone. Little things. Suru likes to call her “My little fireball.”

Dayo Emiko



Dayo was named after Suru’s father, because he looks just like him. Dayo looks like his mother, who looks like her father, therefore the three all share a resemblance. Blue hair, big green eyes, and a tooth gap. Dayo is her little cuddlebug, he’s a big mama’s boy. He’s often seen hanging on to her leg or in her arms.

Fuyumi Todoroki



Her girlfriend! Their families were friends, so they’ve known each other their whole lives. Fuyumi works at the school that houses Aiko and Dayo’s daycare, so they reconnected that way. The two started to fall for each other, so when Suru was in the hospital their feelings became too much to handle and they became a couple! They’ve been going steady for almost a year, and Suru’s kids call her Mama.

Hashi Toketa



Suru’s cute little nephew! She’s his pride and joy. She’s only a few (seven) years older than him, so she’s more like an older sister to him. They possess similar quirks, so Suru is very glad to have him live with her so she can show him some cool tricks! She’s glad he’s there because, well, she loves him, but also because he can run errands and things when she can’t. It’s a fun arrangement!

Hikari Dasshushokku


Older Sister Figure

She interned under Hikari during her years at UA! Hikari just adored her, Suru quickly became her favorite intern and go-to with anything important. When Suru graduated and gained her hero license, Hikari was at her graduation, and afterwards tackled her and insisted on taking her to dinner to celebrate. When Suru was pregnant, Hikari took care of her. She’s more of an older sister than her actual sister! She frequently insists on taking Suru’s kids when she’s having her bad days.

Atsui Homura


Close Friend

Atsui was a classmate of hers at UA! They were friends then, and still are. Atsui is at her apartment a lot, and he likes to play with her kids! Having similar quirks to them, he’s able to guide them better than she can. He’s the closest thing they have to a dad! He’s their cool Uncle Atsui!

Iyasu Senobi


Best Friend

Arguably her best friend! Suru really doesn’t talk to a lot more people than her, and they’re both single moms… as far as she knows. They watch each others’ kids when the other can’t, and they get together frequently! They met at a mothers group at the school their kids go to, and being the two outcasts there, they instantly made friends. Their kids may have the same father…

Huxley Faraday



A close friend of hers. They met during their time at UA! Huxley was a third year when she was a first year, and they became friends for some reason. Even after they both graduated they remained close. The day of Suru’s accident, he tried to convince her to stay home, that he would take her shit. He had a gut feeling that something bad would happen that night, but Suru brushed him off and went anyway. Huxley felt responsible for it, and became more protective over her and her kids as a result.

Hikaoru Todoroki



Hikaoru is a third year at UA, so she has some leniency when it comes to being off campus! She’s able to go visit Suru when she pleases after school hours, which Suru likes! Hikaoru is her silly little sister-in-law, whom she watched grow up (the same goes for her brother,) so she’s happy to have her over! Hikaoru loves to play with the twins as well, so it's a treat when she does.

Yuu Takeyama



Yuu and Suru are cousins! Suru’s mom, Hatari, and Yuu’s father are siblings. Yuu and Suru are the same age, so they went to school together growing up. When Yuu finally made her hero debut, they would tag team before Suru’s accident. They have a healthy rivalry! They butt heads a lot, but ultimately get along fairly well. Yuu is awkward with Suru’s kids, but will visit sometimes.

Naoki Toketa



Suru’s older sister. They don’t really talk, aside from when Naoki calls to ask about Hashi. Naoki doesn’t particularly like her sister, she thinks she’s crude and irresponsible. This opinion was solidified when Suru had her kids, but Suru doesn’t care, Naoki is her older sister, and she annoys her. Her opinion doesn’t matter.

Dabi/ Touya Todoroki


Baby Daddy

Suru’s baby daddy. They had a one night stand, and he left the morning after. She hates every fiber of his being, as she resents him for leaving her kids alone, and not even bothering to call her. He gave her a fake name, she couldn’t even look him up! She hates him, even though she has no idea who he is.