
3 years, 6 months ago



Name Aiko Emiko
Age 4
Gender Female
Race Japanese
Quirk Spontaneous Combustion
Height 3'0"


Aiko is one of those kids who only ever listens to her mom. Maybe her other parental figures. She refuses to share her toys with her peers, or nap at naptime. However, when she’s at home, she’s very well behaved. She likes little things in life, like watching the rain and putting her shoes on the wrong feet. She’s protective over her mom, she often tries to “help” her with mundane tasks. When her mother is putting on her shoes, Aiko will rush over and try to help her. She doesn’t understand that grownups don’t need help with things, but that little kids do and that’s why people help her; she just thinks that everyone helps everyone with everything! Aiko is usually seen with furrowed brows, as she likes to copy the expressions that she sees her mother do. Her favorite thing to do in the whole wide world is to play with her legos! She has a big bin of legos that she shares with her brother, and they like to dump it out on the floor and build things! When she’s 7, her mommy and mama get married, and she gets to be the flower girl! After that, her name is changed to Aiko Todoroki.

"Mommy let me tie your shoes!"

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