


6 years, 5 months ago


Original Adoption Page

【 Name 】 Lochlan 【 Called 】 Loch
【 Gender 】 Male 【 Tail 】 Standard (Common)
【 Title 】 Blue Blitz 【 Ears 】 Uncropped (Uncommon)
【 Size 】 Tall, solid/muscular build 【 Coat Type 】 Feral: Appy/Skink Mix (Rare)
【 Artist 】 Benathorn 【 Eyes 】 Dark Pink (Rare)
【 Created 】 November 2nd, 2017 【 Special Traits 】 N/A
【 Home 】 ... 【 Imperial Blood 】 N/A

Impulsive - | - Cynical - | - Charismatic

This ones for the mighty sea
Mischief, gold and piracy
This ones for the man that raised me
Taught me sacrifice and bravery
This ones for our favorite game
Black and gold, we wave the flag
This ones for my family name
With pride I wear it to the grave

Tough grumpy boy with a cynical world view. Has no qualms about stealing, violence, or just generally destroying the lives of others. He does have a weak spot for a pretty face, but nothing ever lasts. He does his best to live in the present and forget the past, and often chooses to forego lasting relationships in order to maintain this. Observing and learning from the behaviour of others, he's learned how to manipulate others using words and actions to suit his needs.

Some may be from showing up
Others are from growing up
Sometimes I was so messed up and didn't have a clue
I ain't winning no one over
I wear it just for you
I've got your name written here
In a rose tattoo



A Pirate's Life

Loch was nearly half a year old when he was stolen from his family and smuggled onto a merchant ship bound for Eldemore's mainland. Except the ship never made it. The ship's captain did his best to flee when they caught sight of the pirate ship on the horizon, but they simply weren't fast enough. The ship was looted and left to sink into the depths of the ocean while Lochlan was taken along with the many expensive wares the merchants had been carrying.


Relationships (Breeding Slots)
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[ TBD ]


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[ TBD ]


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