Kadiam Hastings



8 years, 9 months ago


Kadiam Heloise Hastings
Genderfluid (they/them)
Freelance Wizard, Friend of the Crown

The Shape-Shifting Magician

"I'm terribly sorry love, but even magic can't fix... that."

A well-known and charismatic travelling wizard who studied under the most famous magician in all of Opreia, Kad is a pleasant person with a generous heart and many faces. They make their living as a freelance wizard and they have developed a wide range of clients thanks to their outstanding work and flair for charm, including the King and Queen of Ifaria.

A true rags to riches story, Kad grew up in a small village; now they spend their time amongst the royal court and the rich and elite, indulging in every luxury they can get their hands on and trying to ignore the gnawing pit in their stomach telling them something is missing.


  • crows
  • work
  • fashion
  • astrology


  • stuffy nobles
  • confrontation
  • vulnerability
  • boring parties




Kad has a natural charisma that encourages others to find something to like about them; people flock to them naturally for their humor and their easy-going nature, and they absolutely capitalize on the attention. After having literally been taught how to behave in front of the rich and elite, they have great people skills and spend much of their time socializing and wooing those around them. They are flirty and confident, and they do what they can to work their way into the good graces of everyone around them.


The wizard has always had a flair for dramatics, which only grew larger as they got older. They love to be the center of attention and they often imbue their spells with unnecessary flair just because they can. The way they move, speak, and hold themself as if they themself are a performance and those around them are part of a lucky audience. It does get obnoxious, probably.


Now that Kad has the means to live a lavish life they take full example of the luxuries that life has to offer. They do what they want when they want to do it with very few exceptions; they are always seeking out pleasure in whatever form it can come in and they believe that they deserve to be sensually self-indulgent. It's truly appalling the things that they'll spend their coin on for their own benefit, but at least they're always willing to share.


While Kad claims that they are 'an intellectual seeking all angles', in reality they are terrified of commitment and incredibly fickle. The second they begin feeling genuine emotion or getting too comfortable with someone they intentionally distance themself, often suddenly and not uncruelly. They're unreliable and avoidant, even to those they consider their closest friends.


Kad has always had a knack for academia -- they were a gifted child in their studies and they excelled past the other children their age with little assistance. Eventually they outgrew the few resources their village provided in way of mind-building and were scouted by Aenaire to continue their studies elsewhere. Very quickly they became a respected figure, using their studious nature, quick wit and devotion to learning to establish themself as an authority in academic circles.


Kad is extremely closed off in regards to their true emotions; they are incapable of being authentic with others, friend or otherwise. Their relationships are often extremely superficial for this reason, which is how they've come to prefer it over the years. They feel the need to always be seen as the strong, intelligent, and powerful figure that they've built up for themself, and breaking this character is the only shame they feel.


• illusion magic

• impressions

• diplomacy

• charisma

• disguises

• memorization

• dancing


• Kad's spellbook is a beat up old leather-bound book that is enchanted to have as many pages as they need. It was a gift from their mentor, and they are very attached to it.

• They love to read; they favor fictitious mysteries, though they also like non-fiction.

• Has befriended their local crows and often receives gifts from them.

• Generally smells like lilac thanks to an illusion they keep up often.

• Speaks with a slight artistocratic accent. It's absolutely fake but very convincing.

• Kad uses their magic to change their presentation almost every day. They favor a tall, androgynous appearance. They cannot change their skin color, and the scar that they have on their jaw is always their regardless of what they otherwise change.


Kad was born in a small beach-side town in Ifaria to a small family of which they were the only child. They were raised primarily by their mother after their father died while travelling when they were three years old. Their childhood was relatively uneventful, though their flair for the dramatic made itself known very early on, as did their penchant for studying and their passion for magic. Their childhood was generally spent in the town's library or helping their mother at home and at work.

In their early teens Kad grew discontent with the small town life and felt as if they should be doing something more. When a chance encounter introduced them to a world famous magician who offered them an apprenticeship after seeing their devotion to learning, Kad chose to leave the town they grew up in to learn more about magic and travel the world. Kad studied under the tutelage of the great Aenaire, a changeling wizard who taught Kad just about everything she knew. For the first few years they were essentially just a roadie for Aenaire, though they were diligent and picked up what they could even when it was offered very sparingly. After seeing that their devotion to learning was whole-hearted and their thirst for knowledge was genuine, Aenaire began to teach Kad properly. Kad flourished into their own powerful wizard, and soon gained notoriety (not to mention connections) in their own right.

They spent the next few years making a living as a travelling wizard, offering spells and charms for a price. By the time they settled down in Taura, their magic was well-known and their shapeshifting ability and charismatic personality was on the lips of every powerful figure from Taura to Nujan. Kad lives in a small, cramped house in Taura's capital. They act as a personal magician to several powerful patrons, and they otherwise spend their time studying or partying.


Friend Raphael and Kad met when Kad was visiting Din and doing a lot of partying in the city; Raphael was an escort at one of these parties and the two of them hit it off. Whenever they are together things tend to get a little rowdy -- both of them are so dramatic and charismatic that they seem to light up the room wherever they go. Although they don't really keep in touch, Kad always visits if they find themself in Din and Raphael looks forward to these visits.

acquaintance Kad and Vallius met through a mutual friend after Vallius got himself in hot water and needed help fleeing the country. As a favor, Kad used their illusion magic to get he and the Prince out of Taura safely. They also officiated Vallius' wedding to Rhys. They find Vallius amusing, but they're also well aware that Vallius is a con-man and they would not trust him with literally anything

acquaintance Kad has always been familiar with Rhys being that he is a citizen of Ifaria and Rhys is it's Prince, but they only met him after Rhys' second disappearance from the palace. Kad helped Rhys and Vallius escape from Taura by using their illusion magic, and they also officiated the impromptu wedding the two had. They like Rhys well enough.