Tomb Raider




Dwdk5js.gifAt the end of the river, the sundown beams
All the relics of a life long lived

No one knows exactly where Tomb came from- just that she was old enough at the time to worm through fairly fresh dirt and eat meat, and scare the living daylights out of the poor sap who'd just buried her bottle baby lamb a couple days before. The little intruder was unceremoniously (and very literally) thrust upon Sid at the first opportunity, who was understandably startled at the sudden acquisition. Thankfully, it was quite easy to place the pup- Crypt and Grave's first little puppy was just about the same age, and the three took to the newcomer as if she'd been part of them all along. 

Which should've been the first clue that Tomb was going to be as freaking weird as the rest of them.

Not only does she sport the most spectacular parachute pants of any collie in Sid's pack, Tomb is a whiz at finding dead things- fresh kills from the barn cats, owl pellets, a frankly disturbing number of bones... if it's dead and hidden, Tomb will find it and drag you to look at it. Thankfully, that seems to be the limit of her contribution to her family's morbidity, and it is useful- even if it's just finding the rest of the birds that time a fox broke into one of the chicken yards...

Username: Dr. Paine
Name: SSV’s Tomb Raider // Tomb
Gender: Female
Height: 20 in
Weight: 45 lbs
Color: Black and Red Point
Genotype: atat BB Ccch DD EE hh II kyky mm SS Tt UU Ll
Notes: Partial rough 'pants' will not pass to pups
