Emelis Rynssa



2 years, 3 months ago



Name Emelis Rynssa
Blood color fuchsia (#dd37b7)
Pronouns she/her
Age 10 sweeps (~22 years)
Signclade the Ascendant
Classpect Thief of Life

Once the heiress-presumptive to the Providence Rynssa on Old Terminus, Emelis was barely of age when the Second Flowers Rebellion and the Cosmic Upheaval reshaped the future of her world forever. As the only fuchsiablood to make it to New Terminus, she is all that survives of the Providences' legacy, with all its complicated history and contentious social issues. Rather than take her chances with politics or disappear entirely, she chose to occupy a role both highly visible and generally harmless: social media influencer.

Pet peeves

  • monarchists
  • "one size fits all"
  • urban sprawl
  • nosy DMs


Tens of millennia ago, the Five Providences of Terminus were shaken by the unthinkable: a fuchsiablooded wiggler which belonged to none of the ruling signclades. Hybridized fuchsias had been seen before, but always cross-caste; this wiggler, if recognized, could mean the rise of a sixth fuchsia signclade. Ignoring the best advice of her allies and advisors, reigning ruler Arcora Ryssik sheltered the wiggler and gave her the blessing to choose a name and signclade: Tescor Rynssa. Tens of millennia later, this is the legacy the Rynssas live under: names and empires carved from the histories of others.


Emelis Rynssa was hatched nine sweeps before the event that would come to be known as the Cosmic Upheaval. With no evident threats to her reigning ancestor Corlis's position, she was brought up by servants and the Rynssan court as heiress-presumptive. It would likely be millennia until the end of Corlis's reign, so her role in the meantime was somewhere between monarch and untitled lord: help shoulder the burdens of Providential politics, avoid manipulation by outside forces, and cause no trouble. This was the burden of the longest-lived, Corlis told her on one of their first afternoons together: observe the arc of history, and move its players for their own benefit. In those early days, Emelis almost believed her.

The Second Flowers Rebellion

Wices before Emelis's eighth hatchday, when news reached Castle Rynssa of Morais Sfizal's rebellion, Corlis moved carefully as always. The Knights Rynssa were deployed to hold tactically important infrastructure that was not already in the hands of rebel lords, but one by one, the detatchments were overcome, and the Providence began to fall apart. Hours after Corlis gave the order to evacuate the capital, rebel forces stormed the castle, dispatched her personal guard, and executed Corlis Rynssa in her throne room. Emelis fled with the surviving advisors, taking shelter in a mountain safehouse and watching the fires as her signclade's domain finally dissolved.

The Cosmic Upheaval

The Second Flowers Rebellion was the greatest threat the Six Providences had ever faced, but it paled in comparison to what came next: the yawning abyss that swallowed the planet whole. Rocked by supernatural dangers and the rewriting of cosmic truths, riots and instability tore through every part of Terminan society. Cities burned. Providences crumbled. One by one, the remaining rulers fell to rebels, mobs, and each other. Risking the lives of herself and her entourage, Emelis ordered the safehouse be turned into a triage center, but their reach and scope were limited. By the time the Door was opened to the Ultimate Reward, not even half of the planet's population was left. The last of the fuchsia rulers made the journey like anyone else, into a bright new world free of everything that told her who she was.

The Ultimate Reward

With no title, no court, and half a world of trolls happily liberated from the rule she represented, Emelis was alone. Well, almost alone. Jennie Adarov, raised alongside her to be her right hand advisor-for-life, was caught in the same position, and the two of them moved in together. It's Jennie who's responsible for their brilliant idea: if Emelis, as the last fuchsia, is always going to be watched, she should be in a position where she expects the watching. In the wake of such catastrophic social upheaval, it takes only a quarter sweep to cement Emelis Rynssa as a fixture of the New Terminan social media landscape—with Jennie as her manager, of course. None of it is like anything she's ever known, but Emelis is determined to use her opportunity for reinvention to build a real life for herself and Jennie, however long it takes.


Jennie Adarov manager, friend

Emelis's appointed advisor from hatching, Jennie was raised side by side with her and stayed there through war, apocalypse, and Ultimate Reward. On top of managing her social media presence, she remains Emelis's confidant, closest friend, and... well. Maybe a little bit more.

Corlis Rynssa ancestor, mother

What kind of mother-daughter relationship can you have when your mother is the barely-mortal ruler of a Providence? Emelis was raised by the court far more than by Corlis, and their wicely afternoons spent preparing her for the duties of an heiress were hardly meant to develop a social bond. Corlis maintained distance from her descendant on purpose, knowing the danger of impatience for an inheritance that could be millennia away, but that reasoning does nothing to dampen Emelis's resentment for the mother who kept her at arm's length.

Morais Sfizal forced into proximity

Emelis is the former heiress of an empire. Morais is the revolutionary who personally tore it down. Both were there when Corlis Rynssa was executed, and when the first Terminans crossed the Door into the Ultimate Reward. Morais is an obligate senator; Emelis could never be. But both of them are ornaments of a dead past, and both of them must now determine their futures. They've had lunch together.

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