


6 years, 7 months ago


Cricketwing is a cat known for her overactive mind. Always thinking, always planning, always worrying, and always asking questions like a wide-eyed kitten. She's useful when you need a clever cat to figure out a puzzle, but not so useful when her emotions bubble up and her busy mind overwhelms her. Her curiosity is a blessing when it helps the Clan, but a curse when the temptation of knowledge lures her into trouble.

She's a sweet cat who treats her clanmates like beloved family, and most welcome her surprise gifts and loving gestures (even if it means having to listen to her ramble on about whatever is haunting her mind that day).





[ Sensitive ] – Cricketwing is easily affected by the world around her. From major events to simple interactions, the actions of her clanmates continue to shape her highly impressionable thoughts and personality every day. She's easy to manipulate, and even the smallest of occurrences can haunt her heart for years.

[ Emotional ] – One second she’s smiling, the next she’s lashing out with teeth and claws; Cricketwing’s mood swings have become a notable part of her personality since becoming a warrior. Her kind, gentle heart is constantly at war with the harsh realities of being a warrior, making her feelings hard to predict. When she feels something, she feels it straight down to her soul.

[ Curious ] – Cricketwing often keeps her mind occupied through learning. To keep her emotions under control, she's found that exploring and experimentation is a good way to distract herself. She's always asking questions and looking for new knowledge to gain, and over the years she's developed a notable hunger for new information. Her curiosity about the world around her and her tendency to gossip can sometimes override her better judgement, leading to her acting out without thinking of the consequences. She just wants to know what might happen!

[ Self-Conscious ] – Due to her timid nature as a kit and being an awful hunter, Cricketwing has viewed herself as inferior for many moons. Her pride for her clanmates doubles as an impossible standard that she sets for herself as well. Her self-esteem is surprisingly low, and her thoughts are usually filled with worries about her performance and what others think of her. She rarely voices these thoughts to others, though, and her overly kind actions might just be a secret way of reassuring others that she's worth keeping in the Clan.

[ Loyal ] – Between her sensitive soul and her need for validation, Cricketwing has a bad habit of being extremely clingy with the cats who come into her life. Though growing up has hardened her heart a bit, Cricketwing’s devotion to her closest friends remains unwavering and absolute. If you get her on your side, you've earned an ally for life.