

"as deep as dark waters"
History means everything to the cats of Havenbay. They take great pride in the challenges they've overcome together, and make sure to honor their ancestors in everything they do. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it---Havenbay cats are often found telling stories and etching murals into the wood and rocks around their home.

Hidden behind the waterfall in their camp is a sacred cave full of carefully carved wooden cats, each one made in the image of warriors long past. Each Havenbay cat gets their own statue added to the cave on the night of their warrior ceremony, where they must spend the night with the likenesses of their ancestors and reflect on what it means to be part of their clan.

Territory: Flat land full of rocky beaches and hidden caves
Camp: A small bay protected by tall rocks

Clan Stereotypes: Very proud, strict rule followers, family oriented, quick witted and sneaky

Defining Skill: Havenbay cats are born with artistic talent. From painting walls to carving wood, these cats can use their skills to create decoys and traps to fool enemies and lure prey.