


6 years, 5 months ago



Name Floyd Alexander Wake-Daniels
Age 23
Gender Male
Ethnicity Afro-Caribbean
Theme Leave Out All The Rest - Boyce Avenue - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoHm3CIoClE


Height 5'9"
Build Lean
Eyes Brown ((Real Life)) / Amber ((First Incarnation In Game)) / Pink ((Meme Form aka Reincarnation In Game))
Skin Black in all incarnation
Hair Dense curls that were originally black in colour and were later dyed pink / pin straight pink hair / TBD
Spirit Animal A flamingo that's crying and has been set on fire and is screaming loudly

Traits and Personality

[ Tactician ] [ "This was all Floyd...he made...everything happen?" ]
[Floyd was renowned for being a tactician whilst at school. He was a fucking nerd and was really good at games such as chess and Risk, which made him the target of teasing from his friends. He used the skills he learned from playing games to plot elaborate schemes to get away with misbehaving with his friends Derek and Anthony. Floyd then found himself engaging in online gamer culture, because he's a fucking nerd. He began to establish himself as a user, in-game, that could be relied upon to lead complicated tasks and be the person that would plan every move for the party to gage in. He was a fucking nerd. He later used the skills he acquired through playing Risk and online games to overthrow the government. BTW he studied politics so it's fine. he's a fucking nerdy nerd nerdhead and also he ded bc gvmt ]

[ Impulsive(?) ] [ "FOR FUCK'S SAKE FLOYD, REALLY?" ]
[ When Floyd was in The Punishment Game, he was renowned for reckless and sporadic behaviour that derived from his own sense of impulsiveness. He actively went out of his way to improve himself by pushing his limits and exceeding other's expectations of him. This was usually done by showing off by doing something extremely stupid - like fighting an impressive monster on his own... and winning. ]

[ Intellect ] [ "He planned it all out. He knew everything was going to happen before we knew it ourselves. Was he even human?" ]
[Floyd's ability to pre-plan and presume the actions and behaviours of his fellow prisoners was rumoured to be incredible. His predictive skills were immense and rarely ever wrong. This along with his tactical prowess allowed him to predict the complete overthrow of the government. His plans tended to have multiple strains of information and tended to interlink like dominos. It was through this method of scheming that Floyd was able to forsee the downfall of the government and how his fellow prisoners could possibly aid him in doing this, whether he himself lives or dies. This is demonstrated after his "death" when he had previously managed to come to the conclusion that in communicating with other parties, he had been able to create a strong enough force to potentially outmanoeuvre the play of the "bosses" ]

[ Tactician ] [ "This was all Floyd...he made...everything happen?" ]
[Floyd was renowned for being a tactician whilst at school. He was a fucking nerd and was really good at games such as chess and Risk, which made him the target of teasing from his friends. He used the skills he learned from playing games to plot elaborate schemes to get away with misbehaving with his friends Derek and Anthony. Floyd then found himself engaging in online gamer culture, because he's a fucking nerd. He began to establish himself as a user, in-game, that could be relied upon to lead complicated tasks and be the person that would plan every move for the party to gage in. He was a fucking nerd. He later used the skills he acquired through playing Risk and online games to overthrow the government. BTW he studied politics so it's fine. ]

[ Tactician ] [ "This was all Floyd...he made...everything happen?" ]
[Floyd was renowned for being a tactician whilst at school. He was a fucking nerd and was really good at games such as chess and Risk, which made him the target of teasing from his friends. He used the skills he learned from playing games to plot elaborate schemes to get away with misbehaving with his friends Derek and Anthony. Floyd then found himself engaging in online gamer culture, because he's a fucking nerd. He began to establish himself as a user, in-game, that could be relied upon to lead complicated tasks and be the person that would plan every move for the party to gage in. He was a fucking nerd. He later used the skills he acquired through playing Risk and online games to overthrow the government. BTW he studied politics so it's fine. ]

[ Tactician ] [ "This was all Floyd...he made...everything happen?" ]
[Floyd was renowned for being a tactician whilst at school. He was a fucking nerd and was really good at games such as chess and Risk, which made him the target of teasing from his friends. He used the skills he learned from playing games to plot elaborate schemes to get away with misbehaving with his friends Derek and Anthony. Floyd then found himself engaging in online gamer culture, because he's a fucking nerd. He began to establish himself as a user, in-game, that could be relied upon to lead complicated tasks and be the person that would plan every move for the party to gage in. He was a fucking nerd. He later used the skills he acquired through playing Risk and online games to overthrow the government. BTW he studied politics so it's fine. ]


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