


2 years, 2 months ago


About: This is a character that I honestly haven't done much with, except in fanfics. He was created sometime in 2012, when I was working on my first fanfic, and he has a sibling named Brickred. As you may have guessed, the name was inspired by Goldeneye 007, mostly because his eyes are yellow but also because he likes to think of himself as a secret agent of sorts (if he knew who James Bond was he would prob see him as a role model). There's not much more to him than that but maybe soon I'll get a chance to flesh out his character!

Appearance: Goldeneye looks like a normal Whimp, except that he has yellow eyes. He's about the same height as a Koopa.

Personality: Like most any other child, Goldeneye (and his sibling) is very curious and fearless. He also likes to solve mysteries, and is often sent by the guards of the fortress to investigate problems going on in the area. He's quirky and really good at telling jokes; even when the others try to stay serious, they can't help but laugh when he's around. He's aware that he's on the side of the bad guys, but when confronting others (such as Petunia) he always acts respectful, since he's too young to be cynical.