
1 year, 16 days ago


Overview: A small chain chomp who found himself wandering into the fortress one day. Soon became a member of their troops through proving that he is not in fact aligned with the Chomp King, an imminent threat.

Background: Originally a troop from the Chompworks, it’s unknown how he may have escaped. Why he escaped, however, is soon to be discovered. He technically does not have a name; his name was given to him by Shadow upon first meeting each other.

Appearance: He looks like a normal, dark blue colored chain chomp, except that he’s quite small.  About the same height as Spike and Zulo.

Personality: This little chomp is a very courageous and inquisitive individual. It was his curiosity of the outside world (and fear of the Chomp King) that led him astray, into the hesitantly open arms of the fortress. He has little regard for alliances, at least at first, and doesn’t see any particular groups as superior or inferior to his own kind.

Created: mid-to-late 2012