Hella Jeff (SHQ)



2 years, 2 months ago


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Gender Male
Species Human

Hella Jeff

Featured in the fancomic Sweet Hella Quest, an alternate version of the same character from Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.

Hella Jeff is a somewhat unstable egomaniac who puts his image and status as the group's leader above all else. He can seem easygoing and friendly at times, but when things go wrong and his self-image slips he will enter a somewhat manic state where he desperately grabs for influence and tries to make himself seem as capable as possible, to the extent of making things up or witholding information from his friends.

However, he is not a complete psychopath, as he is shown to still care about his friends at times despite his outbursts, will apologize for genuine mistakes when he feels his image isn't on the line, and will fight for them even when things seem hopeless.


  • Leading
  • Showing off
  • Sports and driving
  • Having things


  • Feeling overlooked
  • Appearing incompetent
  • Sharing
  • Directionlessness

Skills & Abilities

Item Combination

Hella Jeff has, through "osmosis" by bouncing a watermelon on his head, learned how to utilize the power of watermelons to create new objects possessing traits of two nearby items. This can lead to the creation of many odd trinkets and very helpful bizarre utilities, depending on how it's used.

Energy Manipulation

Hella Jeff is also able to harness the power of watermelons to generate energy, most commonly in the form of small stars that can provide light or function as projectile attacks, which has been used to nail Travis Brody into a plank of wood or to knock down the rogue presidents. If he focuses his energy enough, he can also learn helpful information.


Ruler [ your holding it wrong ]

Hella Jeff's go-to melee weapon, a ruler that possesses a surprising amount of resiliency and physical strength.

Star Gun [ the lillypop ]

A gun that Hella Jeff has generated with his powers, combining his own star-marked outfit with a pistol. Has yet to be used, but appears to be a semiautomatic rifle.

Broken Inventory Gun [ [ ] ]

Another gun that Hella Jeff has made with his powers, combining a pistol with a broken nested inventory slot he had taking up space. Has yet to be used.