Mama // Exo



2 years, 1 month ago


Notable Powers: body manipulation, other demonic goodies
Theme: Jack Johnson — Banana Pancakes

No one really knows where Mama came from, but she moved into town one day and hasn't left. 

She's a nice lady, really! She's wonderful at baking, she loves to cook, and she's a killer in the kitchen - ...w-wait..

Having her body taken over by a demon named Exo, her only real goal is to kill - and by extension, feed. Capable of turning her body into a horrifying monstrous form, she puts on a kindhearted motherly front to dispel suspicion and lure in unsuspecting victims. She feeds not only on physical corpses and matter, but also on fear. Don't let her know what you're thinking... but if she's grinning too wide, she might already know.

Mama and Caus know each other well — she found him one night, hiding out by her house starved and cold. She brought him in and took care of him for a weekend, giving him warmth and food. She very well might have eaten him if her remaining humanity hadn't kicked in overdrive and caused her to get too attached to keeping him safe.

Caus left after a while, not wanting to feel as though he was just a pity project, but she was sure to let him go with extra food and clothes, as well as the reminder that he always had a place at her home. Since then, Caus has grown and, now that he knows of her possession, is sure to bring her the leftover pieces of his victims to use in her dishes.