Hector | SHSL Slaughterman



3 years, 5 months ago


Listen to the animals sing!

Can't you hear the slaughterhouse bells?

In the land of the pigs, the butcher is king!

-Slightly embarrassed of his Ultimate’s name, given everybody’s situation. 

-Kind of just wants to make bacon and hang out with everyone.

-A really good chef, but mostly known for his butchering skills. That in particular is where his talent came from and what got him where he is now.

-Kind of L O U D / bombastic! Equally dense.

-Gesticulates often, waves around knives without thinking “hm… maybe people would be skittish around that.” 

-Uses idioms and phrases like “I like the cut of your jib!” and “Wow, that person is dead meat.” He doesn’t mean for it to be cryptic or threatening, it just… is always horrible timing. 

-Lots of little cuts on his hands from knives and so on. He wears band-aids and bandages to conceal them as best he can.

-”JESUS CHRIST, IS THAT A DEAD BODY?! My god, human carcasses look so much more like game than I expected...”

-Describes corpses and other gorey sights with terms usually reserved for food.

-Totally a nervous nail biter.

-Never trust a skinny chef!