


2 years, 2 months ago


"I won't kill you, but my mentor definitely will, he has a record of murdering half of a city's population so watch your words"


Magic ShowWoman|Natural Born|Magic holder (Strong) + Soul Singer (Sung out of Pride)


Lesley is a Digital World Natural Born Child, she discovers that she has magic from a young age, but likes to keep it a secret from her parents. One day, they town she lives is under attack and she uses her magic to protects herself.

The authorities discovers her and bring her back to the Metropolis city, there, the local magic mentor realizes how she survives and start training her to master her magic skills.


- A Night Owl at hearts, will tend to wake up at night even when she is not performing or training

-Resident Girlboss but still a bit of an Airhead

- 6'0 tall, 21 years old

- Asexual, Demiromantic Lesbian

- Lesley prefers not to wear her Proof of Magic Holder Badge as she doesn't want to showoff outside of her show

- Don't really like using her Magic outside of her performance, but when situation calls for it, she will use it for self defensive purposes

- Has a Massive respect for the Main Stars Guardians other Star apprentices and Courtney