Lore (Soul Song)



1 year, 5 months ago


Soul Sing is an ability let out beatiful array of colors from a singer's mouth, While the real purpose of this songs is unknown, some speculate that The effect of A Soul Song depends on the Singer Mood Songs (someone who sings out of pride have a different effect than someone who sings out of sadness), a Soul Singer gains their song because of an overwhelming feelings of said mood

There are only a handful of this mood songs recorded


-Pride (Singer: Lesley)








-Guilt (Singer: Grimsley)

Some even documented to have non mood base songs, this is only held by Godly figures however

Despite the name, Negative Mood Soul Singer are never a bad thing, in fact, Negative Mood Soul Singer are much closer to the Starfields, with the exception of Hate, whose songs are heard by the Voidlands, the reasoning for Negative Moon Soul Singer's song to reach the Starfields is that the Stars symphatize with their emotions, Hate Soul Singers are very rare, but does happen, and they are a force to be reckond with

Positive Mood Soul Singer documented to be able to alter the appearance of the world, but only to an extend of their ability (they can grow plants, summon weather etc)

Positive and Negative Singers can be tell apart by their aura, Positive Soul Singers have a bright aura while Negative Soul Singers have a muted, dim and generally gloomy aura

Soul Singers don't need to constantly singing songs based on their mood elements to cast their magic (for example a Sadness Soul Singer can sing a more happy songs and still cast their spells), it's important for Soul Singers to remember at least one FULL song in case their magic is needed

A Soul Singer happened naturally and can NOT be forced on