


2 years, 3 months ago



Subject 011






Fashion Influencer/Escapee






Valentine was created as part of one of the earliest batches of Labcats along with his one surviving twin. These early experiments were unstable, and there were many developmental complications. Valentine's twin unfortunately did not survive long, dying in the fourth year of the program. Valentine took this hard, and was heavily isolated after this incident. During year 7 while E.D.E.N.'s facilities were being relocated he managed to escape and has been in hiding ever since.

Now he works as a fashion influencer and social media presence, keeping his identity under high guard at all times lest he be recaptured. His content never includes his full face and he never leaves home without disguising his features. A notoriously private figure, his true identity has drawn much speculation from his fanbase. His situation has made it difficult to get close to anyone, and though he's grateful for his freedom, it came at a cost. He's not content with his life, but he's safe, and that's what matters.









  • Photography
  • Fashion
  • Making Money


  • Physical Contact
  • Hospitals
  • Getting Dirty

Valentine can come across as materialistic and self-centered and to some extent he is. He likes nice things and he believes money is what makes the world go round, and it's what's kept him safe thus far. He can't trust people, and he can't get close to them, so it's the one constant left in his life. He's not particularly selfish despite this, but he doesn't necessarily go looking for opportunities to give his savings away.


Early Life

In year two of the experiment two subjects survived the cloning process. Identical twins, subjects 010 and 011, known to each other as Vangelis and Valentine. Their creation, while not as successful as the researchers had hoped, was ultimately a step forward, they were the first set of littermates (twins) to survive, and they soon proved to be valuable subjects. They excelled in their early training, Valentine proved to be an incredibly adept combatant while Vangelis (suffering from minor health complications and being slightly weaker as a result) found his strengths lay in infiltration and retrieval. They enjoyed their early training, and found great success, growing stronger and more competent by the day. However, this period of happiness was not to last. Vangelis' health took a turn for the worse in year four. Perhaps he had been pushed too hard by his trainers, perhaps it was just bad luck, the early subjects were rather unstable after all. Whatever the case, his health worsened, but the pressure did not relent, ultimately causing a spiral from which he would never recover. Some effort was made to try to save him, but a subject with ill health and minimal combat prowess... not every subject is viable. Needless to say, Valentine did not take his death well, Vangelis did not die alone.

Death and Escape

Despite this outburst of violence, subject 011 remained somewhat active. At that point he was too valuable to lose, and those in charge of the twins had been reprimanded for their loss of subject 010. So they isolated 011, hoping to rehabilitate him, and ensure his future usefulness. He resisted initially, then became reticent and depressed. There were some concerns that he might never be a viable subject again, however he slowly began to recover and seemed intent on returning to a more active status. In a turn of events which shocked his supervisors however, in year seven, while the organization was moving to a new facility, 011 escaped, injuring multiple staff members, and causing at least one further death. To this date his status is unknown and he remains unrecoverable, attempts have been made to apprehend or neutralize the subject. All have failed.

The Present

After his escape Valentine fled to a large city, taking great pains to obfuscate the circumstances of his escape and disappeareance. He managed to secure housing with the funds he'd been carefully funnelling over the years, and laid low, taking odd remote work wherever he could find it. During this period of boredom he set up a social media account on a whim and found he enjoyed photography. At first he did not feature himself in any of his content, outfits were laid out or put on a mannequin and his feed was mainly aesthetic shots, but as he grew a larger and larger following he began to show himself. While he does feature in his content, he never shows his face or speaks, he wears gloves, hats and masks whenever he appears and only shows the bottom half of his face (which considering it's masked is pretty much nothing). In all cases whenever he appears on camera or in public, his disguises are carefully crafted, contacts to hide his eyes, wigs or hats for his ears, gloves to hide his claws and distinctive tattoos, the whole nine yards. After a close call in the first year of his escape, he lives his life in a constant state of vigilance, he keeps up a safe house in case of emergencies and still trains and spars daily. While his life is comfortable now, it is lonely, being too paranoid to ever show anyone his true face or personality has isolated him, but in the end it's worth it if it keeps him safe and out of E.D.E.N.'s clutches. He may soon find however, that he is not as alone as he thinks.


  • Wears mostly dark colours, likes flowy clothing.
  • Has killed at Least one person (don't worry about it).
  • Doesn't dislike children but they make him nervous.
  • Has a fairly androgynous style of dress and likes to mix masc and fem fashion.
  • Has relatively small ears, a slightly fluffy tail, and Very long sharp teeth and claws.
  • He is Gay.


Subject 010 - Vangelis [ twin brother ]

Valentine's twin brother. They were incredibly close in both appearance, personality, and strength, showing great promise in the early days of their training. Though Vangelis was more sickly than his brother he was no less competent. An accident led to his death and the subsequent closing off of Valentine's heart. He misses his brother dearly.

Sable [ old friend ]

Valentine and Sable met when they were young, being quite close in age. They got along well at the time, but when Valentine was isolated he lost contact with them. Recently they've gotten back in touch through social media, Valentine was thrilled to hear they managed to escape, and grateful to have a friend who understands his position. He doesn't watch Sable's content because he's a huge baby when it comes to horror, but he appreciates their effort to conceal their identity.

Nikki [ ????? ]

Valentine escaped the lab before Nikki was created so they've never met in person. Valentine has, however seen Nikki's social media and his complete lack of secrecy stresses him out so bad. In the end he's glad to see that others have escaped as well, he just wishes they'd be a little more careful.