


4 years, 1 month ago



labcats modern shipped little meow meow
tennjou 15/04/2020 base code

Personal Details

Name Nikki
Age 21
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Gay
Species Labcat
Height 5'7"
Build Short King
Hair White
Eyes Yellow & Green
Skin Tone Pale
Occupation Tiktok Superstar


Character Blurb

An escaped government experiment who was created in a lab - his genetic material is crossed with that of a persian cat. He now puts his supernatural talents to good use as a tiktok influencer and microcelebrity.

Much smarter than he appears in some respects (but stupid as fuck in others), Nikki is obsessed with the concept of being beautiful and adored. Brash and often tactless, it can often be hard to tell if his more unhinged antics are due to his life of captivity, or simply the desire to be an absolute brat.

  • Attention
  • Memes
  • Neon Colours
  • Spending Money
  • Tacky Jewellery
  • Dogs
  • Hot Weather
  • Rules
  • Silence
  • Small Spaces


Tiktok Fame
The majority of Nikki's videos are dance trends or remakes of popular memes - as his fanbase grows, he more frequently makes Q&A videos wherein viewers spend most of their time trying to prove inconsistencies in the recounts of his escape.
Having never met the supervisor assigned to oversee him during his confinement, Nikki has no clue that the stressed looking man who keeps trying to approach him is a government employee, instead mistaking him for an overly dedicated fan.
Nikki's cat ears are purely superficial, and incapable of hearing sounds - however, he still has full control over them, and they tend to reflect his current mood at any given time.


Early Life

Growing up at E.D.E.N, Nikki's life was restrictive and highly sheltered, defined only by rules and rankings he couldn't comprehend. His first year post cloning, this didn't feel like too large of an issue - there was plenty to explore within the lab itself, and the sheer novelty of being alive kept him fairly preoccupied. However, whispers of the escape of one of the older subjects eventually forced him to confront the possibility of life beyond the lab, a concept which soon became a fixation.

Over the next four years, he gathered every detail he could get his paws on regarding life outside the lab, slowly concocting an elaborate escape plan. The more he was warned that he was different to most people, that he wouldn't fit in anywhere else, the more dedicated to his plot he became; within the lab, he was just another face in the crowd - but outside, he would be loved and admired like he deserved. It took four years, but eventually his hard work paid off and he found himself experiencing his first real taste of freedom.

Current Events

Upon realising that he could quite literally do whatever he wanted, Nikki immediately jumped to the most obvious conclusion - becoming an internet sensation. Despite his initial confusion with the app, he quickly found himself rocketing to tiktok stardom, with viewers concoting elaborate theories regarding his appearance and claims that he was an escaped government experiment. While a particularly dedicated portion of his fanbase are convinced he is telling the truth, the general belief is that his account is an unorthodox viral marketing campaign for some kind of tech company.

His activities are very much known to his ex-captors, who are determined to retrieve him before he does any further damage. While Nikki knows that he is being followed, he can't for the life of him figure out how - but he knows it most definitely has nothing to do with the personalised collar he never takes off.


A self-proclaimed fashion icon, Nikki has an extensive rotation of outfits in varying shades of black and neon green. Flame print, stripes, and tshirts featuring slightly nonsensical slogans are some of his most iconic staples. He has a tendency to overaccessorise, often decking himself out in kitschy jewellery and other unusual items.
Nikki's ears and tail are the same shade of white as his hair, and indicative of his long-haired persian genetics. Always pictured wearing his collar, however the rest of his outfit can be changed as much as desired, provided it stays within the realm of his usual aesthetic.
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Nikki's supervisor, tasked with the monumental quest of returning him to the lab. Nikki doesn't actually know he exists.


Ex boyfriend and Nemesis.


The labcat who made Nikki realise it was possible to escape - they only met briefly but Nikki looks up to them (and thinks he could probably lend them some better clothes)


Nikki follows him on instagram - since they never met at the lab, he has no idea they're also an escapee.