Tykkou (terraria sona)



1 year, 1 month ago




mysterious . shy . strong


agender, masc pres.






star wrath user

Tykkou is a 21 year old human from the Terraria universe. Tykkou has amnesia and doesn’t remember any of his past, and was luckily taken in by the creatures of a celestial kingdom. Despite being (mostly) human, he was crowned the prince of said kingdom later on.

He prefers melee weapons mainly uses the Star Wrath, but isn’t adverse to other ranged weapons. He doesn’t wear armor often, but when he does, he wears the nebula armor. Tykkou has a stardust dragon pet named Nova.

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gay as hell.

  • creatures of all kinds
  • flying
  • crystals and rocks
  • other people
  • spicy foods
  • being vulnerable/feeling weak

Tykkou was found unconscious in a forest by the creatures of a celestial kingdom, who then took him to safety and brought him back to good health. To thank them for their help, he stuck around and helped out inside the palace with whatever they needed. He quickly gained the trust of the kingdom, who eventually found him as the perfect candidate to rule the kingdom. Tykkou was crowned their prince, and has stood in that position ever since.

Meeting Odin

Over time he became more and more curious about what happened to him to cause his amnesia, and some research led him to another nearby kingdom specializing in mind magic. Convinced that they had something to do with this, Tykkou called for war on the kingdom demanding answers, even though they claimed to have nothing to do with him. For awhile, Tykkou’s side had the advantage, until some guy named Odin spawned into the world. Odin managed to befriend the enemy kingdom, and quickly turned the tide for the war in his favor, eventually confronting Tykkou face to face. They fought, and Tykkou lost the battle. Though he accepted his defeat and called off the war, he resented Odin for keeping him from his goal. Likewise, Odin resented Tykkou for hurting his friends.

Gay stuff starts happening

The two kingdoms went about their lives for some time, having occasional meetings between the leaders of other kingdoms as well to discuss how things are going, if anyone needs help, etc. Unfortunately for Tykkou, Odin was always there as per the mind kingdom’s request. The other man was always quick to strike up a conversation and annoy Tykkou as much as possible every single time. One night, Tykkou accidentally spawned the Empress of Light, completely unprepared for the encounter. He tried to hold her off to the best of his ability, but just barely made it out alive with Nova’s help. Being too weak to move, he told Nova to find someone to help, and for some reason she chose to quite literally frantically drag Odin of all people out of his house to help Tykkou. By the time Odin had gotten there, Tykkou was already unconscious from blood loss. Thankfully, Odin took it upon himself to help heal Tykkou’s wounds despite still resenting him. During his recovery process, the two began growing closer, as Tykkou often needed help doing basic things because of his injuries, and Odin was the only one there to help him.

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  • The magic that the celestial creatures used to heal him physically altered his body a little, giving him golden streaks and a purple gradient in his hair, as well as starry freckles. He doesn’t know if his pink and purple eyes are a byproduct of the magic or if they were like that before.
  • He is very skilled at playing the violin
  • Odin is very scared of spiders, so Tykkou takes care of them for him




Tykkou and Odin were previously enemies, but after Tykkou is gravely injured by the Empress of Light they are forced to get to know each other a bit better. (they are very gay).


Lia Rose

Tykkou and Lia Rose are long lost cousins, but neither of them are aware of it. More info tba.



More info tba